Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Joy Bells

At the ripe old age of 70, it's always instructive to look back and meditate on the journey. God has sometimes clearly led--opened doors so obviously that even i could see the way. At other times He's had to push. Pushing back against omnipotence is not really a good idea--or effective. On some occasions He's had to drag me to where He wanted me to be. (Not to go, to be). Yep, I have expertise in the area of stubbornness. Yet, as I look back at all the stops along the way--from places of wonder to places of pain, loss and disappointment, His heart of love and hand of wisdom are so undeniably present every step of the way. He is the Master Potter after all. I can sing without the slightest doubt or hesitation "Jesus led me all the way." A joy journey I call it. And the beauty of the journey so far is such a comfort as I contemplate the journey yet to come. He will I'm sure continue to lead. Continue to push when necessary. Continue to drag along when He has to do so. But it will always be His love and wisdom at work each step of the journey--be it one more day or one more year or even decades. Joy bells ringing in my heart. What a journey!

Friday, September 23, 2016


The greatest danger in succumbing to the attractions and temptations of the world system is that the loss of spiritual power that results is usually so gradual that we never even realize our loss. We wonder where God is in our life and why our effectiveness in touching other lives for Him seems to be so limited. The love of the Father is no longer active in our lives. We are in love with the wrong things. We have quenched the Spirit's power. We are no longer seeking Him with our whole heart. The cure? Only one--repentance.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Two Truths

Whatever my circumstances, whatever my experiences, whatever God brings or allows into my life, two things are true as His child: it happened because He loves me, and it happened so that He, through me, will be glorified. Those two truths are the "bedrock" of victorious Christian living. When I resist instead of embracing those two miracles, my faith staggers and my life is a misery. I wallow in self-pity; and yet, I could easily "flip" through the pages of Scripture and find multiple saints who experienced far worse things than I did--and yet, through triumphant confidence in His love and wisdom brought glory to Him through steadfast obedience--through a steadfast love for Him. Loss, heartache, sorrow are all tremendous gifts to make His presence known. To be a man or woman of sorrows is to be like Him. To be obedient to the Father in the midst of suffering--to embrace His will through my tears and agony-- is to be like Him. To forgive those who are responsible for my cross is to be like Him. To fully understand His love for me, to deeply know Him, I must travel the paths of sorrow and pain. There will be no joy in my heart without times of suffering. To refuse to allow the Spirit to use me in my sufferings--to refuse to surrender to His will--is to make an idol of what I think my life should be--an idol that makes it impossible for the others to which He sends me to see any glimpse of Him in my life. On my knees in surrender to His love and His will is the only way to convince the world of His love for them. The only way to lift Him up and bring others to His eternal love. There is no other way to fulfill the prayer we sing: "I would be like Jesus."

Friday, September 9, 2016

Day by Day

One of the greatest enemies of faithful living day by day is letting our thoughts be dominated by yesterdays mistakes and tomorrows fears.

Our Father

Our Father:

His omnipresence guarantees us that He is always by our side. We will never face anything alone.

His omniscience guarantees us that He knows our every need, our every sorrow, our every hope, our every joy.

His omnipotence guarantees us that He will do all that needs to be done for the good of His child. We will never be separated from His love.

His immutability guarantees that He will use all these powers on our behalf for all of eternity.

Back Side of the Desert

When we find ourselves on the back side of the desert--in a spiritually dry and thirsty land--there is only one solution: to humbly cry out for His refreshing. And to persistently cry out for His fire from heaven or His still small voice--either one or both. You can never escape the desert in your own power. You cannot spiritualize the natural man. But He can and will respond as we search for Him with all our heart. He alone is the water of life, and He sends us to the desert until we realize that only a deep thirst for His presence can satisify. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul must pant for His presence. He will lead me out of the desert and to the place of rest by the still waters.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Some Reminders:

His grace is sufficient. And infinite.

You are His bride--the love of His life. Is He the love of yours?

He's always working. Always.

His silences are eloquent if we will stop and "listen."

Daily confession is not an option; it's a necessity if I am to walk in the light as He is in the light.

The friends who sharpen you are a precious gift from God.

We are all teachers--every day; in word and deed. And your "students" are listening and watching.

When God brings someone to your mind, pray for them.

A necessary prayer: "Lord, keep me faithful to my last breath."

Faith always encounters opposition.

Acts of genuine faith always bring glory to God--not the "actor."

His grace is sufficient. And infinite.