Sunday, November 27, 2016

The CD

This is the CD I hope to own one day:

1. The Morning Stars singing together at the creation of the world. What were they singing? Genesis One, of course. "And God saw that it was good."
2. Jesus and the disciples singing as they left The Upper Room and then walked to the Garden of Gethsemane.
3. Habakkuk on his stringed instruments singing his marvelous testimony "Yet, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation"
4. David singing the Twenty-third Psalm at night, under the stars, to still the fears of the sheep.
5. The Jewish multitude singing together the Psalms of Ascent as they marched up to Jerusalem for the Feast.
6. Moses and the impromptu choir singing on the other side of the Red Sea. Think their voices might have been full of awe and joy? So much joy that it reached Miriam's feet.
7. Paul and Silas--the duet. I wonder which one was the tenor? Or maybe they both just sang the melody. Brought down the "house."
8. The angels on Christmas morning--"Glory to God in the highest!" Indeed!
9. Mary singing to her Son--the baby who was the Creator and the Savior. You don't really believe she didn't sing to Him, do you? Might that be Joseph we hear humming in the background?
10. The original Oratorio of the Messiah.being sung this very moment in the throne room of our God. I hope to, sooner rather than later, join that choir. "Worthy is the Lamb that was receive honor, and dominion, and glory, and power forever and ever. Amen!"

Yes, you can borrow it.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Philippian Jailer

I love the story of the Philippian jailer. God used an earthquake and a duet to bring him--and his family--to Christ. Lessons for us? Feel as if life has you in stocks and chains locked in a cold jail? Try singing praises. Much more dynamic than complaining. A Philippian jailer may be watching and listening. Burdened for someone you know to come to Christ? Don't be afraid to pray an earthquake prayer--or sing it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


I am thankful that at the age of seventy my God is The Ancient of Days enthroned in Heaven.

 I am thankful that at the age of seventy I only have to live my life one day at a time. Wow. How many days has it been?

I am thankful that at the age of seventy that resting in Him brings the Spirit's empowering, transformation into His likeness, answered prayer, His joy, a deep sense of His love, a heart for obedience, the incomprehensible ability to glorify Him, a deeper love for His other children, and the grace to respond to the animosity of the world as He did--with no desire for self-defense, with sacrificial love, and with intercessory prayer. And all those gifts at the same time.

I am thankful that at the age of seventy for all those who have invested their life in my growth and walk. Yep, including the Class of 2017.

I am thankful that at the age of seventy God continues to confirm the truth that age makes no difference to the eternal God. He can use anyone. I wonder what Methuselah was up to at age 969--serving His Creator, I'm sure.

 I am thankful that at the age of seventy I am closer Home than I've ever been before.

 I am thankful that at the age of seventy, as my life becomes more and more a life of memories, that so many of those memories are monuments to His faithfulness.

 I am thankful that at the age of seventy God is still pruning away all those things that hinder my ability to bear fruit--to be able to touch lives with a sense of His presence.

 I am thankful that at the age of seventy God daily supplies the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual strength that I need to still teach teenagers. And if they only learn one thing from this chubby old bald guy, I hope it's that no matter what life brings your way, it is worth it all to trust and obey.

A Heart of Gratitude

A heart of gratitude begins at the foot of the cross. It is there that one finds complete forgiveness. Once for all and daily. It is at the cross that one finds hope. The dying Savior resurrected is coming again as the King of Kings. It is at the cross that one finds faith. If His faithful obedience in the face of the most hateful, treacherous, arrogant betrayal in human history produced eternal life for all who embrace such sacrificial love, surely my faithful obedience in all things can also be used to glorify the Father--the world's Greatest Lover. Surely. It is at the cross that one finds love. "We love because He first loved us." "Be kind, tender-hearted, forgiving one another; even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you." It is at the cross that one understands that "Thank You" is so much more than words. "Thank You"--from a true heart of gratitude--fosters a deep desire to live a life just like His--to once for all deny my right to myself, to daily take up my cross, to continually follow Him in loving obedience. Thankfulness is discipleship.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


I am thankful that cold, snowy, windy November days are still resplendent with beauty.

 I am thankful that God's silence is so eloquent.

 I am thankful that God doesn't always give me what I want.

 I am thankful that wherever I "wake up" tomorrow, He'll be there.

 I am thankful that my failures have been used to increase my usefulness in His kingdom.

 I am thankful that my tomorrows have passed the test of His love for me.

I am thankful that God gives us gifts so contrary to our nature that we can only give the glory to Him.

 I am thankful that God uses men to help meet our needs even though He doesn't have to.

 I am thankful that even though I can no longer blame my actions on my youth, He still willingly forgives.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Command

A command: "stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assemblies together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near"

Need to feel loved--and desire to show love to others? Need to be reminded of the good deeds that you can do in order to glorify your Father in Heaven? Need encouragement? Desire to be ready--to be in love with the promise of His return? Only one way for that to happen--spend time with those who have the same desires.

The easiest "habit" to break is going.

The most difficult "habit" to embrace is going.

But "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."

He will be working in the midst of His people tomorrow. Where will you be? Will you be participating in His work of love, good deeds and encouragement?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


One of my favorite Old Testament prophets is Micah.

He tells us: "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity."

"And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."

"Yes, Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea"

"Who is a God like Thee, who pardons iniquity? . . . He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in unchanging love."

Tremendous truths! Yet, the thing that stirs me the most about Micah is when he tells us that he looked all throughout Judah and couldn't find one faithful follower of God. Not in the leadership. Not among the people. Not even among his family and in-laws. What was his response? If I can't find one, then I must be the one. "I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation."

Savior, give me the courage if such a time comes to be the one.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

These Things

These things are still true:

"The wonder of it all"--God loves you.
Your current trials are not even worthy to be compared with the inheritance that you have in Christ Jesus.
Your inheritance is assured by His faithfulness and promise--not yours.
In God's eyes all the power of all the nations in the world combined is as impressive as a very small drop in a very large bucket.
History is still His story.
His plans have not "skipped a beat"--not even one.
Your loved ones--they are waiting for you.
This moment--right now--He is in pursuit of the one gone astray.
You have access to the throne of grace at anytime on any day--the "door" is never closed.
He is coming again--"in power and great glory."

These things are always true.

Friday, November 11, 2016


"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiel life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the recognition of the truth."

"First of all"--a priority
"urge"--a plea from the Spirit--an "urgent" plea for right now
prayers of every kind for "ALL men"
prayers of every kind for "ALL in authority"
live a life characterized by tranquility, quietness, godliness, and dignity
That's the life that God responds to with "Well done, good and faithful servant."
That's the life that validates the beauty and loveliness of the truth
That's the life that draws men to Christ the Savior

We must live life on our knees not on our "high horse."

We must--WE--it's not about "them." What "they" do is irrelevant to my call to obedience. "First of all, then, I urge" you.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


When I find myself discontent with my lot in life, angry and disappointed with God--you know, miserable, the reason is always the same. Arrogantly, I am refusing to accept that my lot in life is His will for my life. It's amazing how things change--how I change--when I embrace my circumstances as His will. How do I do that? Use His strength--enough is promised for each day--to do what He has called me to do to the best of my ability. And love with all my heart all those He has placed in my circumstances with me. Why do I so often forget that God's will is not to glorify me--that I am not the center of His plans. He has instead placed me in the center of His plans for my life that I might glorify Him in all things.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Lessons from The Acres:

When as I walk The Acres after an early March snowfall, and encounter the purple, yellow, lilac, and gold of the first spring crocus, I am reminded that hidden under all the cold spells of life, God's beauty is waiting for just the right moment to cheer the soul.

As I sit on the patio among the containers of perennials, I am reminded of the joy of memories--Mom, in her floppy pink hat, delighted with the country breeze, the beauty all around her, sitting in the same chair, enriched--and thankful--for every moment of life her Father gave her. I am a rich man--a millionaire of memories.

Often, coming home late at night, as I slip out of the little red wagon, I find myself under a ceiling of stars on a pitch-black canvas. The God who created such a universe is the omnipotent God of promises. He who has named them all, calls me by name--as His child, forever. He is my Father who is in heaven.

When I see the sparrows feasting on this morning's bird food, and when I walk among the lilies, lovely as they are, I rest in the truth that He loves me so much more than these. "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." And He lives within this old clay pot that the loveliness of His presence might be seen in me. In me! Amazing love.

From spring to first frost, I walk The Acres in the bright sunshine of the meadow, in the dense lushness of the wild area, in the dappled shade around the pond and under The Ancient maple, in the deep shade of the line of trees, in the dryness of the hillside, in the miry bog, and everywhere I encounter His beauty. There is nowhere I can walk, nowhere, and not find evidence that His hand has been--and is--at work there. Everywhere I walk . . .He is.

As I sit in the chair in front of the doorwindow and watch the snows of winter cover the bareness of the branches with the flakes of pearl, I remember that in the winters of my life, He has always made His presence known--and He has given me the pearl of great price that no storm of winter can ever take away. And as I have said before, every winter has been followed by a spring. "He restores my soul."

And as I walk The Acres and am suddenly surprised by a flower that I was not expecting--the work of my Gardening Angels--I cannot help but smile, whisper another "Thank You," and anticipate with great joy, the surprises of His love that await me just around the corner.

I suppose, it's actually not the lessons of The Acres, but the lesson of The Acres. "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Thank You, Savior--that day-by-day-by day, You speak into our lives and remind us of Your presence--the presence of Your loyal love.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Verse 14

Verse 14
"Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."

God can be worshiped anywhere at anytime.

God should be worshiped everywhere, all the time.

My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Every choice I make, every word I speak, every place I go, every interaction I have with other people--they should all be an act of worship of my Father.

To all to the glory of God.

Is my all on the altar of sacrifice laid?