A nation's prosperity--materially or even militarily--is not evidence that that nation is being faithful to God. It's easy to tell. When the nation gives credit to themselves for their prosperity--worships their wealth and their might instead of giving thanks to God who gave them both, they are idolatrous. And that god can't help them when the crisis comes. And it will.
If we didn't love the people who did stupid things and disappointed us at times, we wouldn't have anyone we could love.
And, certainly, there would be no one to love us.
Creation's groaning has as its source the sin of man. Still.
God's discipline is undeniable evidence that He is eagerly waiting to draw us back into His embrace. Discipline and restoration are synonyms in God's dictionary.
Sometimes God lets us discipline ourselves. It's called reaping and sowing. Why do we blame God for the harvest when we arrogantly planted the seeds?
God wants a Husband-Wife relationship with His people--not a Master-Slave relationship. Love obeys. Duty grows weary. And quits.
God can turn The Valley of Sorrow into the Door of Hope.
We serve the Living God--not a living God, the Living God. Eternal. Everlasting. Able to comfort, help, love, touch our lives with a sense of His presence. To be separated from Him--to have to relationship with Him--is to be dead. To have no life. To be the real walking dead. "We serve a living Savior, He's in the world today. I know that He is living." "Because He lives, we will live also." Eternally.
Wanderers: "The way of the cross leads Home."
One of the reasons "old" saints have such joy is that they are amazed how deeply He must love them to have put up with them for so long. Oh, and they have discovered through The University of Time that Jesus never fails.
At one point in history Babylon was the greatest power in the world. Invincible. They magnified themselves above God. He took them down in one day. One day.
Renewal comes in the quiet times with Him. "Weary in well doing"? Go into His presence--alone. Let the sureness of His presence and the whispers of His love revive your strength. In the quietness, He speaks the "loudest" to your heart and soul.
Effective prayer begins and ends with praise for your Father's love, wisdom, and power. Only He can answer your prayers. And He only does good--with every answer.
No one can be filled with--under the control of--the Spirit who has not filled his heart and mind with His Sword--the Word of God. And it must be done day by day.
Jesus loves me this I know.