are lots of instructive truths in Jesus' relationship with Martha,
Mary, and Lazarus. Here are a few that always cause me to pause,
reflect, and examine where I am in my walk with Him.
First, it
says that Mary chose the one necessary thing--to spend time at Jesus'
feet learning of Him. It was not that she chose "one of" the necessary
things. She chose "THE" necessary thing. How necessary is time alone with Him to me? There is no doubt how much His heart desires such devotion.
John tells us, "Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus."
The reason He allowed them to experience such heartache and confusion
and disappointment was not because He was angry with them or
disappointed in them but because He knew that this testing of their
faith would lead them to a deeper, fuller understanding of His character
and His power--a deeper understanding of "God is love." In times of
testing and sorrow am I looking for the revelation of His love for me?
What a tragedy if I miss it.
I also find it interesting that
when Martha got up and left the house no one moved, but when Mary got up
to leave the house, everybody got up and went with her. When I am
struggling to deepen my relationships with others, could it be that the
real problem is the shallowness of my relationship with Him? Is there an
undeniable, direct correlation between the depth of my love for Him and
my ability to love and relate to others?
After Lazarus is
raised from the dead, the family has a dinner, no doubt to celebrate the
miracle. Guess what? Martha is busy serving. Mary is at His feet
performing an act of sacrificial love and worship--anointing Him for His
death. (Wow! At least one person understood why He had come!) And at
least Martha's not complaining this time.
(Judas was doing that!) I guess the mindset that God wants our quiet
adoration and a deepening relationship to Him more than He wants our
service is a difficult lesson to digest and embrace. I am delighted
that God is patient with slow learners! I know one of those. And not
only is He patient with slow learners: "Now Jesus loved Martha."
And what is the greatest truth in this story that always causes my
heart to sing and dance for joy? "I AM the Resurrection and the Life.
He who believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" I do--with
all my heart.
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