In humility does not think of himself too highly.
Understands that he is a part of the body; it is the good of the body that matters not his personal acclaim or comfort.
Uses his gifts diligently, cheerfully, by faith.
Loves others spontaneously, genuinely, without hypocrisy.
Abhors evil; loves good.
Devoted to the honoring of other believers.
Fervently serving others because he understands that in doing so he is actually serving his Lord.
Rejoicing in hope.
Persevering in tribulation
Devoted to prayer.
Pursing opportunities to help other Christians.
Pursuing opportunities to show hospitality to strangers.
Blessing others at every opportunity.
Empathetic toward his fellow Christians. Sharing their joys and sorrows as his own.
Impartial in his treatment of others. Plays no favorites.
Peaceable toward all men.
Overcoming evil with good.
In prayerful subjection to those in authority. Honoring them as God's ordained choice.
Loving his neighbor as himself. Doing no wrong to a neighbor.
Living as if today is the day of His coming
Living pure, righteous lives, being a light in the darkness.
Being transformed into the likeness of Christ.
What does conformity to the world look like?
Wants preeminence in the church.
Uses his spiritual gifts for his own glory and in his own strength.
Hypocritical in his love toward others. Pretends to love them knowing that it's expected.
Loves evil; abhors good.
Seeks honor for himself.
Serves his own needs. Serves other reluctantly.
Grumbles and complains in trials.
No time for prayer. Certainly not for others.
Could care less about anyone's needs but his own.
Never reaches out to "strangers" who come to church.
Curses under his breath all those who irritate him.
Plays favorites, especially if it will do him good.
Combative. Contentious. Toward Christian and unbeliever alike.
Vengeful. Never forgiving. Holds a grudge fervently.
Could care less about his neighbor. Would harm him in a minute in order to help himself.
Hates those in authority. Wouldn't dream of praying for them--just about them.
Hopes Christ doesn't return too soon; he's got things he wants to do.
Lives a life pursuing the same things the world pursues. Applauds evil.
Being conformed, molded, into the image of the world system, the system that is anti-Christ.
Being transformed or conformed? Your choice reveals what your real attitude is toward the sacrificial, love the Savior demonstrated for you on the cross. How deeply, thankfully, do you cherish that love? How deeply do you love your Savior?
Or are you the love of your life?
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