Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Revolutionary Behavior

Peter as Nero began his vicious persecution of the church falsely accusing them of burning down--destroying--Rome gave this advice to the scattered seed of faithful believers: "Your conduct among the surrounding peoples in your different countries should always be beautiful, always be good and right, so that although they may in the usual way slander you as evildoers, yet when disasters come they may glorify God when they see how well you conduct yourselves. Obey every man-made authority for the Lord's sake--whether it is the emperor, as the supreme ruler, or the governors whom he has appointed to punish evildoers and reward those who do good service. It is the will of God that you may thus silence the ill-informed criticisms of the foolish. As free men you should never use your freedom as an excuse for doing something wrong, for you are at all times servants of God."
As hostility toward Christ--and thus toward His followers--increases, Peter says we need to live a beautiful life, submitting to those in authority even if they are doing the exact opposite of what their duties are before God. You cannot be a servant of God and do otherwise. You cannot glorify Him and do otherwise. Without submitting to those in authority, you cannot turn slanderers into those who recognize and acknowledge His character. Anything else is an "excuse for doing something wrong." How beautiful is your life--in His eyes?

"You should have respect for everyone; you should love our brotherhood, fear God and honor the emperor."

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