You will not meet any Christian tomorrow--not one--with whom God is finished. And God has put you into each other's life because iron sharpens iron. Be encouraging, be exhorting, be loving so that God can use you to build them up in the faith--transform them more into His likeness. And understand that they will interact with you tomorrow in such a way that you, too, can learn and grow. You have no accidental Christian friends. Edify. Don't tear down. Be a stepping stone not a stumbling block. Love them where God has them on their journey to His likeness. And don't assume that He's finished with the Christian you see in the mirror tomorrow morning either.
His mercies are new
every morning? Why new? Because undoubtedly you will need some
"mercies" tomorrow that you didn't need today. And the Spirit who
searches your soul and your body knows exactly which ones you'll need.
"Old" ones and "new" ones. Thankfully, He never shakes His head and
mutters, "You need what?" No, He always says come with Me--boldly--to
the Father's throne. He has everything you need. We may refuse to come
and try to make it on our own through our tomorrows--it's called
courting disaster; and it breaks His heart--but He will never say,
"Don't come with Me to the throne room."
God sends rain on the "just and the unjust." On the justified and the "un-justified." How dare I not be willing to be one of God's showers of blessing on the "un-justified." Prayerfully, on the not yet justified.
Some of the people I will show God's love to tomorrow, some of those I will show that I care, will never know who I was. But they will know that someone showed them love, someone cared about them. They will know that they are worthy to be loved and cared for. And God is pleased when I embrace being just a someone.
The reason I am growing physically weaker and weaker is so that I can grow stronger and stronger spiritually. Total dependence works that way, you know?
God's heroes--those who know that we all share a common destiny--accountability to God--never ask, "What will happen if I obey?" They just lovingly obey because they know whose in charge of "what will happen when I obey." And whatever it is, it will glorify Him and be good for His people, His body, His bride--the love of His eternal life. Be doers of the Word, not just hearers only. Please Him by faith--through faithfulness--don't grieve His loving heart.
Tomorrow will be here before you know it. Got any plans? He certainly does. And they include you.
God sends rain on the "just and the unjust." On the justified and the "un-justified." How dare I not be willing to be one of God's showers of blessing on the "un-justified." Prayerfully, on the not yet justified.
Some of the people I will show God's love to tomorrow, some of those I will show that I care, will never know who I was. But they will know that someone showed them love, someone cared about them. They will know that they are worthy to be loved and cared for. And God is pleased when I embrace being just a someone.
The reason I am growing physically weaker and weaker is so that I can grow stronger and stronger spiritually. Total dependence works that way, you know?
God's heroes--those who know that we all share a common destiny--accountability to God--never ask, "What will happen if I obey?" They just lovingly obey because they know whose in charge of "what will happen when I obey." And whatever it is, it will glorify Him and be good for His people, His body, His bride--the love of His eternal life. Be doers of the Word, not just hearers only. Please Him by faith--through faithfulness--don't grieve His loving heart.
Tomorrow will be here before you know it. Got any plans? He certainly does. And they include you.
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