Thursday, November 5, 2015


I'm thankful that in the confusion and noise and frustration and "hecticness" and clamor and whirlwinds and earthquakes and . . . whatever comes my way. the Spirit's still small voice can be heard loud and clear.

 I'm thankful that God doesn't have any age restrictions on "usability." He can use chubby old bald guys. He can use committed teenagers--I know, they're in my classes. He is eager to use all those who simply say, "Here am I. Send me."

I'm thankful that when I have no idea whatsoever what's going on, my omniscient Savior is sitting on His throne rejoicing in His perfect plan for my life. And it's a plan immersed in His love. His eternal, inescapable love.

 I am thankful that the One who knows all there is to know about me--my struggles, my failures, my deliberate disobedience, my faithlessness, my doubts, my murmurings, my iniquity, my sinfulness, my pride, my stubbornness, my past . . .everything there is to know about me--loves me with all His heart.

I am thankful that yesterday and tomorrow are His days. And for this day--which is mine--He promises to supply all my needs--including all the strength necessary to use this day for His glory. That's why every morning when I wake up, I can say with confidence--and a grateful heart--
"This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."

 I am thankful that God in His lovingkindness always gives us what we need, not what we think need.

 I am thankful that when my human frailties get in the way of my heart's desire to please Him--He looks at my heart.

 I am thankful that the simplest ways to say, "I love you," are always the most profound.

 Great performance tonight by the WC band and jazz ensemble! How can anyone not be thankful for music? I can't wait to hear the "recording" of the morning stars singing in joy at God's creation, Moses' singing on the other side of the Red Sea, David playing and singing under the stars to calm the sheep, Jesus and the disciples singing on the way to Gethsemane . . and on and on. The gift of music!! Thank You, Lord!

 I am thankful for the church the body of Christ. Flawed, sure. But the hands and feet and heart of God in this world. God's comforters. God's encouragers. God's exhorters. As it gazes into His face, it reflects His glory to all around. No one will ever be everything God desires for them to be without spending time gathering together with other members of the body. No one.

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