Friday, July 29, 2016


The most spectacular life is walking in obedience with the King of Love in the midst of the "hum-drum" of each day. Comfort and joy in times of sorrow. Strength at one's weakest moments. A gentle lifting up when fallen. Steadfastness in the midst of the storms and earthquakes. A Friend in times of abandonment--never a step alone. Guidance in the darkest night. Exultation in the times of persecution. Promise in the times of loss. An end to the journey that is beyond human description. And all those that have gone before on the same spectacular journey await you there. Especially Him.

"Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before."

Thursday, July 28, 2016


The Mature Christian

Through love, encourages and unifies.
Through truth enriches and enlightens.
Through wisdom warns and edifies.
Through submission to the Spirit, strives--agonizes--over finding and doing God's purpose for his life day by day.
Through faith maintains the discipline and stability of a soldier of the cross.
Through patient steadfastness, radiates a joy infused with thanksgiving..
Through a fixed focus on the things above, exudes compassion, kindness, humility, and gentleness.
Through prayer learns the power of contentment.

Not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a painful word stirs up anger."

"A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit."

And if we could play back your words from this day . . .?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The End of Our Rope

The end of our rope.

The end of ourselves.

Sometimes God has to take His children to that place. Invariably, it's because they have taken the reins of their own lives, decided that they know what will bring them happiness, and that they can achieve all that they want without God. Why we always want to rely on ourselves when we, better than anyone else, know how preposterous that is, is a human mystery. Pride, independence, men's approval--all the basics of self-worship are in play.
And the circumstances that bring us to the end of our rope--the end of ourselves--are, of course, His love--a Father's love--at work. As well as, I believe, His confidence that we will respond in humility when He reveals to us the futility of our endeavoring to find meaning in our life without Him at its center.
If there was an easier way to restore us to Him, He would have used it, but we are so stubborn, so resistant to His will. Yet, it is only in His will, resting in His love, relying on His wisdom and guidance that we can experience the abundant life that brings joy, meaning, fulfillment, and peace to all that we do. It's at the end of our rope that we see the consequences of our rebellion against His love. And so we let go of our pride and cling to Him, find His comfort, bring joy and encouragement to our souls (and the souls of those who love us) and are equipped to live fruitful lives that touch those to whom He has sent us. The end of our rope--the end of ourselves--is truly a new beginning, the beginning of a walk with Him that brings Him glory and us joy. 

"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness."

Friday, July 22, 2016


Anxiety. Stress. Sorrow. Loss. Heartbreak. These are not designed to push us away from Him, but to draw us close to Him. He is the Loyal Lover. "All may fail but Jesus never, glory to His Name." In difficult moments He wraps His arms around us and whispers, "I loved you so much, I died for you. Please believe that you can trust Me with your cares, anxieties, heartbreak. Please give them to Me." And if we cast them all on Him, He--the Prince of Peace who does all things well--sustains us, fills us with His presence, calms our hearts with His peace. And astoundingly--yes, astoundingly-- even if we don't cast all on Him, He still wraps us in His loving, caring, everlasting arms

"All may fail but Jesus never. Glory to His Name.".

Thursday, July 21, 2016

More Reflections

"This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through" is indeed true. It is our hope,
That I am here in The United States of America in 2016 to minister to all those around me as long as I have breath is also true. Such loving obedience is proof to the world that our hope is true.

 The true disciple comes to Jesus recognizing that his righteousness is as putrid as the filthy rags wrapped around the wounds of the leper. His prayer: "Nothing in my hands I bring; only to Thy cross I cling."

 When I hate my enemies and refuse to pray for their spiritual well-being, my mind is being conformed not transformed. I am an enemy of God's will.

 Envy, jealousy, murmuring, complaining, coveting, gossip, discontentment are all synonyms for idolatry.

 The reason I struggle with commandments two through ten? I keep resisting--and refusing to embrace--the demands placed on my life by commandment number one: "You will have no other gods before Me."

 The key to discontentment, a loss of joy, and the failure to sense His presence and His love: Keep living like you are the most important person in your life.

Love is not a feeling; it's a promise.

 Joy is not an escape from sorrow. It is the power that transforms the wounded and hurting into one of God's comforters.

 Peace is not an escape from the spiritual struggle--the inner spiritual warfare. It is the confidence that God's armor and the sword of the Spirit guarantee the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Priesthood

Have you offered your sacrifices today?

"Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name."
"This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long."

"And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased."
"Love not in word only, but in deed." And don't forget the right hand, left hand admonition.

"I urge you, therefore brothers, because of the mercies of God, that, as an act of intelligent worship, you present your bodies, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him,"
The ultimate sacrifice is not to die for Him but to live for Him by dying to self.


Do not neglect.

It's urgent.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


"All those who live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution."


Persecution is not something to fear. Jesus said, "Rejoice." The early church saw it as a reason for rejoicing. Miraculously, God was actually using them to reflect His glory. Them!!

And reflect His love. For the commandments regarding our response to persecution are clear.

As much as possible live in peace with all men.
Pray for those who despitefully use you.
Always return good for evil. Always. Every time. Never repay evil with evil. Never. Not even once.
Rejoice in the Lord always.
Go into all the world and preach the Gospel, making disciples.
Fear not what man can do to you.
Love one another. It is by that love that the world will know that I am who I claim to be.

I sometimes wonder--heretically, of course--if the church's response today in America is not actually self-defense--idolatry. Love of our "rights," not love of Him and love of the lost. The only way to do the latter--love the right "things"--is by a life of obedience.

(See commandments above.)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Disciple

Because he is a citizen of the kingdom of heaven, God's disciple:

Is spiritually prosperous, fearing the Lord, content with who he is in Christ and with the promise of His daily provision of all physical and spiritual needs.
Is a beggar in spirit--humbly resting in His grace as the power of faithfulness; has no confidence in the flesh--in his ability to be faithful apart from all-sufficient grace.
Mourns brokenheartedly the consequences of sin in the world, is deeply saddened by the evil that men do, and their love of it.
Stoops down to help the wounded, to lift up the fallen, to intercede for the struggling--and always with gentleness.
Can never get enough of God's Word--always hungers for more evidence of its transforming power in his daily walk.
Does not "strike back" in word or deed when injured--even the injury to the soul and spirit, seeks no revenge, despises the idea of "getting even." Soft answers not angry words of self-defense are his spontaneous response to angry words--and deeds--from others.
Strives for the Spirit's enabling to not only do the right things but to do the right things in the right way and for the right reasons--a pure love of the Savior, a pure love of other believers, and a pure love for the lost. Abhors spiritual masks.
Seeks to live at peace with all men, seeks to bring others into the kingdom of the Prince of Peace, wields the weapons of the cross--willing sacrifice, the lovingkindness of forgiveness, compassion for those who do not understand their actions, grace and mercy.
Knowing that "the more he becomes like Christ, the more he will be unlike everyone else," and knowing that, as a result, he will be despised, ridiculed, pitied, and scorned for his saltiness and the shining of the Light, continues to do good, to glorify Him, to make the Savior visible, to reveal His presence.

If anyone will be my disciple, let him first--once for all--totally deny himself, then, daily take up his cross of sacrificial love for others, and continually--to the very end--follow--imitate Me.

If . . .

Friday, July 15, 2016

Beautiful People

What makes someone beautiful?

First, the most beautiful person who ever lived was Jesus. What then are the characteristics of beautiful people? Beautiful people are enthralled by the flight of a sparrow. Beautiful people rejoice at the presence of children, love their simple faith. Beautiful people recognize the importance of a loaf of bread and a piece of fish to a hungry man. Beautiful people are perfectly at ease in the storm or in the calm. Beautiful people cherish moments of conversation with a friend; in fact, they find that more "appetizing" than a good meal. Beautiful people constantly encourage their friends and intercede on their behalf in prayer. Beautiful people are concerned for the well-being of the friend who in a moment of weakness betrays their love and friendship. Beautiful people defend the acts of devotion showered on them by a friend even if--especially if--the rest of their friends criticize the gift. Beautiful people weep with those who weep. Beautiful people do everything in order to please God no matter the cost.
In addition, Jesus tells us that the lily of the valley was more beautiful than Solomon on his most splendidly arrayed days. And it simply radiates the beauty God has given it--where He has "planted" it. To remove it from its place is to cause it to wither, to destroy its loveliness. We, too, will never be beautiful in any place other than the place God has "planted" us.
And in Isaiah 61:3 God tells us that He makes beauty from ashes. As we repent and admit our failures, our disappointments, and our shortcomings, God replaces them with His purity and loveliness. Those that give such ashes in submission to the Father allow God to turn those yesterdays into beautiful todays filled with renewed fellowship and deepening intimacy with Him. Such Christians are indeed reflectors of the Light, the beauty of God and His grace.
God has also given us "beautiful feet." Those who leave "footprints" of God's gospel of peace wherever they go are beautiful people. They bring the message of peace with God to the hearts of others. They are the peacemakers in God's universe. They radiate peace in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. No one can spend time in their presence without seeing their beauty--God's beauty shining through them.
So, you want to be beautiful? Imitate Jesus. Be content with the beauty God has given you and the people to whom He has called you to radiate His beauty. Give Him the ashes and tears of your yesterdays that He might transform you into His beautiful masterpiece of grace. Leave beautiful impressions of God's beauty and gospel with each step that you take, wherever He leads you.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Problem

Our nation's problem is--I believe--simple. There is no reverential awe of God, no fear of the Lord, the Sovereign, Creator, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ungodliness means having no fear of the Lord. Thus, decisions are made corporately, legislatively, judicially, personally without the slightest thought of one's responsibility to Him for each and every decision. God is irrelevant. Thus, decisions are made from one's self-absorption, one's self-aggrandizement, one's selfish, self-centered desires. When decisions are made from any perspective other than a fear of Him, they cannot be wise. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Without that reverential fear, one cannot be discerning. Decisions will not--cannot--be made based on an understanding of the essence of right and wrong as God defines it. And He is the only Definer. When man defines morality and righteousness, they cease to exist. Preference and pleasure and popular opinion replace them. Out of love for himself, a man commits acts of hatred. Out of love for power, he oppresses the weak. Out of a love for fame, he does the most infamous things. Out of a love of self-righteousness, he will call his darkness light, and the light darkness. And love his darkness. Out of a need for self-justification, he will call the believer's love, hatred. He will hate their love for him--despise God's love for him. Abhor it. Mock it.

What's the cure? His return to rule and reign.

What must we--I--do in the meantime?

Fear the Lord. Make my every decision with this mindset--When I stand in His presence, will He say, "Well-done?"
Pray, pray, pray intercessory prayers for those you love, for His people around the world, for your neighbor, for your enemy. Intercede, intercede, intercede.
Be committed to excellence.
"Invade" the arts.
Shine. Destroy those self-protecting baskets of fear.
Be salt. Live the life of obedience that proves you are eagerly and confidently anticipating His coming--that you love and long for the promise of His appearing.
Purpose in your heart. Love not the world, neither the things in the world. Lay up your treasures in heaven. Fix your heart on the things above.
Show compassion. Commit yourself and your resources to the widow and orphan, to all those in need.
Be a comforter to the hurting.
Never return evil for evil, but return good for evil. Forgive as Christ forgave you..
Love the unlovely.
Pray for those in authority. Their hearts are in His hands, not yours.
Be Christ-in-the-room whatever "room" you're in.
Speak the truth in love--let the redeemed say so.
Be of good cheer.
Let not your heart be troubled.
Rejoice and do good.

Fear the Lord.

"Even so, come Lord Jesus."

Reflections July 2016

"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus."
In God's will today?

Pray without ceasing is a command--not a suggestion.
The torn veil reminds us that through our Savior's sacrifice we have been given access by grace into the presence of the Father--for eternity. We have been justified. Our sins taken away and replaced with Christ's righteousness. But sometimes we--I--forget that the torn veil also means that I have access to the throne of God right now and every "right now" of every day. Prayer. Do you spend each day in the throne room? He expects you to.

 Grace that is greater than all my sins. Live a life of confident forgiveness. Obey and confess and walk in the light. You are forgiven.

 Energizing, conquering faith does one thing well: Waits.

 No one is being daily filled with the Spirit. living a life of submission to the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, under the Spirit's control who is not daily being enriched by the Word. "Let the Word of God dwell in you richly." The alternative is spiritual poverty--a loss of intimacy in your relationship with Him. Drawing near to Him demands a well-worn Bible.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Daniel set his mind--his heart--on things above; on honoring God in all things.

What identified him as a young man who had made that choice?

Courage to resist the assimilation of the world.
Godly friendships.
Gentleness and a spirit of submission in dealing with those in authority.
Confidence in God's sovereign graciousness.
The wisdom that comes with the fear of the Lord.
Commitment to excellence in all things.
Facing his problems on his knees.

Dare to be a Daniel?

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My Hope

I cannot begin to understand why the righteous, holy, eternal God would willingly die for me--pay my debt for my sins; nail them to His cross--my debt paid in full.

But He did.

I cannot begin to understand why He would want to spend one second with me, let alone all of eternity.

But He does.

I cannot begin to understand how in His loving presence He will wipe all my sorrows--all my tears from my eyes--and my heart.

But He will.

He did. He does. He will.

"His grace has planned it all, 'tis mine but to believe, and recognize His work of love and Christ receive. For me, He died. For me, He lives, and everlasting light and life He freely gives."

"My hope is in the Lord, Who gave Himself for me"

In whom or in what have you placed your hope?

Monday, July 4, 2016

Growing in Grace

"Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Lord, I thank You that each breath I take is a gift from You.
Lord, I thank You, for those talents that You have given to me--may I use them--and use them for Your glory, not my own.
Lord, I thank You for the spiritual gifts the Spirit has chosen to give to me--may I understand that they are not for my benefit but to bear fruit in the lives of others.
Lord, I thank You for all that You have given me to enjoy--every need met--and so many mere wants You have blessed me with as well..
Lord, I thank You that my weaknesses are conduits through which You infuse me the strength of Your all-sufficient grace.
Lord, I thank You that each day can be spent in a conversation with You.
Lord, I thank You that in my sorrow and my loss You weep with me--and draw me deeper into an understanding of what You suffered for my sake.
Lord, I thank You that my obedience to You is not a duty or a way to somehow earn more of Your love, but the way that You have given me and empowered me to say, 'I love You" all day long.
Lord, I thank You that You so deeply desire a relationship with me that the Spirit reveals to me my sin, calls me to confession, all because You want to walk with me today.
Lord, I thank You that You have promised to fill me with all Your fullness beyond my wildest imagination.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

In All Things

Christ is preeminent in all things. Preeminent in creation--all things were made by Him both visible and invisible. Preeminent in His Lordship, He is King of the Universe. The Authority. Preeminent in sustaining the universe. He holds all things together by the word of His power. Preeminent in the church--He is the head of the body. Preeminent in life--both physical and spiritual. All things were made from nothing--He spoke life into existence. And He is the first born from the dead--His resurrection defeated sin and death and assures His children everlasting life. He is preeminent. It is God's purpose that He have first place in everything.

Is He preeminent in your life--your decisions, your loves, your calling, your every moment?