Monday, July 11, 2016

The Problem

Our nation's problem is--I believe--simple. There is no reverential awe of God, no fear of the Lord, the Sovereign, Creator, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ungodliness means having no fear of the Lord. Thus, decisions are made corporately, legislatively, judicially, personally without the slightest thought of one's responsibility to Him for each and every decision. God is irrelevant. Thus, decisions are made from one's self-absorption, one's self-aggrandizement, one's selfish, self-centered desires. When decisions are made from any perspective other than a fear of Him, they cannot be wise. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Without that reverential fear, one cannot be discerning. Decisions will not--cannot--be made based on an understanding of the essence of right and wrong as God defines it. And He is the only Definer. When man defines morality and righteousness, they cease to exist. Preference and pleasure and popular opinion replace them. Out of love for himself, a man commits acts of hatred. Out of love for power, he oppresses the weak. Out of a love for fame, he does the most infamous things. Out of a love of self-righteousness, he will call his darkness light, and the light darkness. And love his darkness. Out of a need for self-justification, he will call the believer's love, hatred. He will hate their love for him--despise God's love for him. Abhor it. Mock it.

What's the cure? His return to rule and reign.

What must we--I--do in the meantime?

Fear the Lord. Make my every decision with this mindset--When I stand in His presence, will He say, "Well-done?"
Pray, pray, pray intercessory prayers for those you love, for His people around the world, for your neighbor, for your enemy. Intercede, intercede, intercede.
Be committed to excellence.
"Invade" the arts.
Shine. Destroy those self-protecting baskets of fear.
Be salt. Live the life of obedience that proves you are eagerly and confidently anticipating His coming--that you love and long for the promise of His appearing.
Purpose in your heart. Love not the world, neither the things in the world. Lay up your treasures in heaven. Fix your heart on the things above.
Show compassion. Commit yourself and your resources to the widow and orphan, to all those in need.
Be a comforter to the hurting.
Never return evil for evil, but return good for evil. Forgive as Christ forgave you..
Love the unlovely.
Pray for those in authority. Their hearts are in His hands, not yours.
Be Christ-in-the-room whatever "room" you're in.
Speak the truth in love--let the redeemed say so.
Be of good cheer.
Let not your heart be troubled.
Rejoice and do good.

Fear the Lord.

"Even so, come Lord Jesus."

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