Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Struggle

Here are the questions I ask myself at election time:

Having been commanded as a citizen of Heaven to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, am I by my choices being faithful to my Heavenly citizenship or am I letting my earthly citizenship usurp my King's absolute authority over my decisions?

Am I making my decisions based on what I believe will or will not be the outcome of my choices; or am I--as faith demands--making the choice that is in agreement with and supportive of God's view of righteousness and leaving the outcome to His will? Am I choosing as If I believe that "the end justifies the means"--that pragmatism is a Christian, God-honoring virtue?

Do I really believe that there is a difference between choosing a church leader and choosing a political leader? Is the first choice spiritual and the second choice secular? Are any choices that a Christian makes secular? Is God's standard of righteousness irrelevant in considering the second choice?

If I give someone the authority to act on my behalf, am I then accountable to God for what actions they take?

Is there a biblical justification for choosing to support the lesser of two evils?

These are the questions I struggle with as a citizen of Heaven, an ambassador of Christ to a fallen world. I can't answer them for you--I can only prayerfully struggle with them with an open Bible in my lap and times of seeking His wisdom in prayer. But I do believe that Christians need to prayerfully consider these questions.

Do all to the glory of God.

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