Saturday, April 15, 2017

What Were They Thinking?

What were they thinking?

Mary, the deep sadness of a mother who has buried a son . . .
The disciples--confusion, fear, guilt . . .
Nicodemus and Joseph--what will we do now, having declared our loyalty to Him--and He is gone . .
The women--do we have all we need to anoint His body at dawn? Will the Roman soldiers help us? We have lost Him . . .
Pilate--He said His kingdom was not of this realm; He was an innocent man; they said He claimed to be the Son of God--and I condemned Him to crucifixion
Soldiers--when He spoke we all fell to the ground helpless; when He died the sun turned dark and the earth quaked; now, they tell us to guard the tomb of this dead Jew; what is actually going on here . . .
The Jewish leaders--well, that's over with; justifiable lies are necessary to save our power and influence. Though we do need to do something about that promise He made--to rise from the dead in three days . . .
The people of Jerusalem--deep darkness in the middle of the day; an earthquake; did you hear about the things He said from the cross; two of our respected leaders buried Him--one in his own tomb .
And in the morning, their world would change.
Would Mary again cry out thanks to the "God of my salvation."
The disciples rushing to the tomb--in time He would stand in their midst, lovingly forgive their doubts and betrayals; send them into the world with the message of redemption--unafraid of any earthly power; sure in the power of the resurrection--so sure that they would gladly die for Him. And they did.
Would Nicodemus and Joseph be among those who joined with the disciples to wait for the Spirit; were they among those who sold all that they had to help meet the needs of the early church in Jerusalem?
The women would run from the empty tomb to declare the message of angels to the disciples; Mary Magdalene would rejoice that He had found her in the garden. Not lost; no, He had not been lost. They had been found.
Pilate, the soldiers, the Jewish leaders--time to make up more lies and wonder at more mysteries--the veil was ripped--yes, from top to bottom; "Something" opened the tomb, and His body is gone." Is it no wonder that some of the priests believed?!
The people. What was going through their minds? How many hearts were stirred--prepared for Pentecost morning and the undeniable truth--"You delivered Him up; But God delivered Him up from the grave. What must you do? Repent! Believe! He is eager to forgive you!"
We need not mourn. We need not doubt. We were lost, but have been found. We must with confidence identify ourselves with Him and the needs of His church. The world's lies have no explanation--the truth condemns them. Who can darken the sun and shake the earth? Who can rip the veil and provide access to the Holy of Holies for all men? Who can defeat death? God and God alone. The God of my salvation! We must proclaim the message: The tomb is empty. The Savior lives! His heart's desire is that all believe and receive the forgiveness of sin.

Because He lives, you can live forever. Forgiven--forever. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift--for the victory that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord!

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