Thursday, June 21, 2018

Be Good!

"God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me."
Often, I will tell one of my students as he or she leaves the classroom, "Be good!" And as I pass them in the hallways, "Be good!" I, often, tell those who are no longer my students--either on facebook, or in an email--or even in a real letter (you still remember what those are right?)--"Be good!"
We know that our God is good. As our Father He promises to only give us good gifts--those that will meet our needs and do us no harm. David tells us that "His goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives." And he exclaims, "How great is Thy goodness that Thou hast stored up for those that fear Thee!" Our God is good, and He has a storehouse filled with the good gifts He has for His children.
We, then, as reflectors of His character must be good--demonstrate a life of goodness, manifest the fruit of the Spirit: goodness. "For the fruit of the light consists of all goodness and righteousness, by faith trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord." What is goodness? Using what's in my storehouse for the benefit of others in need. Using my calling from God as an opportunity to act on behalf of those around me--to be a giver of good gifts.
Think of the two great illustrations we find in the Gospels--illustrations of goodness: The Good Shepherd. The Good Samaritan. What defined Jesus as our Good Shepherd? "The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep." Setting aside the glories of Heaven, He emptied Himself--poured Himself out--and took on the form of servant, and willing sacrificed Himself for His sheep--for us. Goodness--acting on behalf of those in need no matter the cost. And how desperate was our need of a Savior--of a Good Shepherd!
And the Good Samaritan--why do we call him "good"? He couldn't pass by someone in need. Couldn't do it. Didn't matter what his plans were for that day. Didn't matter if he put himself at risk. Didn't matter if he had to use his resources, Didn't matter if the man would have called him an enemy, and if their situations were reversed, he probably would have walked on by. Didn't matter if the man ever knew who he was, could ever say "thank you." Goodness: the inability to walk by someone in need, no matter what it does to my plans, no matter who knows, no matter how it impacts my storehouse, no matter how that person will respond or even if he or she will respond at all. Will I lay down my "life" for others in need? Will I use the good gifts God has given me and pass them on so that others will know that He is indeed the Good Father? "As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those of the household of God." And if you can't find an "opportunity," you're not searching very hard.
Be good!

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