Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Little Child

I saw a picture last week on facebook that I can't get out of my mind. Or should I say out of my heart. It was a photograph of Joel and Amy Walton holding their beautiful little boy, Judah whose is, as usual, grinning from ear to ear. He exudes such a gentle, joyous nature. (Some of it I'm sure comes from Mom and Dad's DNA). The world would view little Judah as "challenged." But I can't stop imagining how delighted our God and Father and Savior must be with such gifts of love that He lavishes on this world. If only we could all become like little Judah. He seems to cherish each and every waking moment. I love his laughter as he enjoys a "ride" in a swing--from ecstasy to a tinge of fear and back to ecstasy on each "trip." And what courage he has shown in times of suffering and pain. I have not seen a shred of pretense in his smiles and laughter. And, Oh, how he embraces being loved and returning love to those who love him. What an example he is to those of us called to be children of God, called to become like little children if we are to be convincing evidence to the world that we are members of the Kingdom of God! Think of it--are we filled with the joy and wonder of each moment? Courageous in times of struggle and pain? Men and women of simple integrity? Those delighted in being God's love gift to the world--embracing being loved and returning love to those He has put into our lives for just such mutual, wondrous, eternal moments? How beautifully that little love gift lives up to the meaning of his name: Judah--Praise. If only we would all let God transform us into such a little child--a child of God whose walk with our Father reflects such stupendously simple Praise.
A little child shall lead them.
"Unless you become like one of these . . ."

Friday, September 21, 2018


Too often we forget that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood." The enemy uses men and women to do his work, but they are not the enemy. And we must fight the real enemy with spiritual "weapons." We must know the whole counsel of God so that the cleverest of liars cannot lead us astray. Often he comes as an "angel of light." Often he comes as a roaring lion. With the sword of the Spirit we can expose his disguise and reveal the darkness. With the sword of the Spirit... we can resist the lion--and he will flee. And we must pray. It is with prayer that we "put on the whole armor of God." It is with prayer that we intercede on the behalf of those we love and those we have been called to serve. It is with prayer that we cast our burdens on Him so that we might focus on "bearing one another's burdens and so fulfill the love of God." It is with prayer that we are empowered with the humility to love our human "enemies" and draw them to the Savior. Nothing makes our true enemy happier then when we focus our attacks on flesh and blood. When we do that, we are fighting on his side. When we do that, we are going to battle with harmless weapons. Be an effective wielder of the Sword of the Spirit. Be a man or woman of prayer. Demonstrate the unconditional, holy love of God to those who are enslaved by the one intent on destroying their souls. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood."

Monday, September 17, 2018



 You are a joint-heir with Christ.
Absolutely nothing that happens today can separate you from His love.
Your life is hid in Christ--and when you see Him you will be like Him.
He will strengthen you today with His joy....
He will supply all that you need--and some of your wants.
You are welcome into the throne room of God at any time today that you desire to talk to Him.
He will gladly bear any care you cast on Him.
There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
He has promised you rest as you lean on Him.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Garden of Gethsemane Moment

I believe that we need to tell those that we are encouraging to follow Christ that the path of discipleship leads to a Garden of Gethsemane moment (at least one). The time will come when the follower of Christ will find his or her life in the one set of circumstances he or she would have never wanted to be a part of their life's experience. Finding themselves on their knees because they lack the strength to be anywhere else, they will have to make the most crucial decision.... Will they in submission cry out, "Nevertheless, not my will but Thine"? Or will they struggle to their feet, turn their back on God, and walk out of the Garden away from the cross every disciple must bear daily? "If anyone will be my disciple, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me continually."
Those circuimstances will not change. But those who walk away will change and become insensitive to the Spirit, angry at the Father, dismissive of the Son. That's as empty a life as anyone can live. No life is more out of control than the life that a man tries to take control of himself.
Those who submit to His will live the life of the cross--a life that touches others with unconditonal love, sacrificial love, forgiving love. No life has more meaning, is more fulfilling, makes a greater impact on the world. It is a life energized by the resurrection power of God.
Why must those who have been in the Garden moment and prayed the prayer of submission tell those coming behind us that such a moment (moments) are coming? Because then we can tell them that it has been worth it all to choose to follow Him as His faithful disciple in the midst of life's more devastating moments. They will find Him faithful. They will be able to love the world with a holy love. And that will make an eternity of difference.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

This Day

He has promised you all the strength you need for this day. And He has promised you that this day would present you with great opportunities for rejoicing. And He has promised you that He would be with you every step of this day. Rest in His strength. Rejoice in His blessings. Pray for a sense of His presence. Don't let your worries about your yesterdays and tomorrows take away this day of rejoicing, empowered by His strength and basking in His presence

The Answer

God answers every prayer. I know we like to use the idea that His answer is "yes," "no," or "wait," but I think it's more than that. God answers every prayer with the promise: "I will use this situation for your good, for the good of my Bride, and for My glory. For your good and the good of My church because I love you. I can promise that it wil be good because though you can only see the present tense and imagine what the outcome will be, I can see all things--the past,... the present, and the future. I will make all things work for your good. At times that will mean turning your tears into laughter; at times that will mean turning your laughter into tears--but always for your good. And it will be for My glory because the world needs to understand that I am the Living God, the God who is hands on in the history of the world and each of its people. Thank you, My beloved child, for putting this situation into my hands. Remember: I AM."
How must I pray then? Grateful praise that we come to the God of infinitie love, infinite wisdom, infinite patience, infinite goodness, infinite gentleness, and an infinite loyal love for His children. Thankful rejoicing that He alone can be trusted with the situation--and deeply desires that we cast all our cares on Him--that by doing so, we proclaim our confidence that He does indeed care.
And petition--help me, Lord, Father, to see the good, to wait patiently for its arrival. Help me, Loving and wise Master, to submit to Your promise so that I might be a vessel that reflects Your glory--that makes Your active presence in the world undeniable. I can't believe You trust me to glorify Your Name. Empower me to do so in all humility.
"Pray without ceasing." "In everything by prayer and petition let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God that guards your hearts and minds--beyond your ability to even comprehend how"--will keep you on our knees confident that He does all things for your good and for His majestic glory.

Monday, September 10, 2018


God does not expect me to put into practice the things I do not know--the things He has not taught me yet. And He is always revealing new truths and insights to me no matter how ancient I become. But He does expect me to live out the things He has taught me--old and new. To not do so is deadly to my Christian walk. To not do so leads to a life of stagnancy. To not do so hinders the Spirit's desire to teach me more. To not do so makes me dangerous to those I know and makes me a builder on the sands that cannot withstand the storms. To not do so makes me susceptible to the insidious idea that I've arrived at spiritual maturity--that I know all of Him I need to know and that I know all I need to know to be the disciple He has called me to be. To not do so makes me a blasphemer to those who know what I claim to be true about Him and His love. To not do so makes me a fruitless branch on the vine, a wandering sheep, a cowardly disciple quivering as I hear the roaring lion. To not do so makes me resistant to the Spirit's love that He desires to spread abroad in my heart. One of the truths I pray that the Spirit will always keep before my eyes is that if I love Him, actually love Him, I will keep His commandments--and that doing so will not be a chore but a source of life-strengthening joy.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


God doesn't test us in anticipation of our failure. His tests are designed to convince us that we need to be totally dependent on Him in order to live a victorious Christian life. Dependence is difficult for us to embrace in a society that idolizes independence and self-sufficiency. Yet, we must embrace our reliance on Him--on the power of the Spirit who resides within us--a gift from Him. "Without Me you can do nothing" are not idle words. He exhorts us to keep on in grace and the knowledge of Him. Through His loving testing--yes, loving--He teaches us the need for His sufficient grace. The more we rely on our own human strength to live the spiritual life, the less we have of His omnipotent strength to do His will. And He often tests us in those areas that we believe are our strengths. He has empowered us in certain areas, and we begin to think it's us and not Him doing the living, the ministering to others that He has called us to do. The testing reveals to us our spiritual pride. And the knowledge we are to daily acquire is experiential knowledge, not head knowledge. Oh, He has implanted the knowledge in our heads, but the testing engraves it on our hearts. We no longer "just believe" the truths in our theology, we have experienced the power of the truth to transform us by the testing that made it undeniably effective in our daily walk. Testing--God's proof of His love for us as His beloved child--transforms us into the image of His Dear Son--makes us more like Jesus as unimaginable as that can be. Pray for His love tests in your life. Embrace the grace you need to live for Him.

Reflections for August 2018

You are His bride. Great love and grace.  Great responsibility.

Today's struggle--if embraced as the evidence of God's loving hand at work in your life--is the foundation for tomorrow's victory no matter how difficult the spiritual battle.

Why has man since the beginning of time resisted the doctrine of Creation?  Because the Creation is God's declaration of His power and glory.  And the man who denies it will be without excuse when they stand before Him.  Kneel before Him.

When it seems that God is not doing anything in your life, it's time to get into the Word in every way you can.  Quiet times are listening and learning times.

My proof for the existence of God?  I talk to Him every day.  No, not to Him, with Him.  Go ahead, smirk.  Call me "crazy."  "Insane."  But as the hymn writer says, "It is glory just to walk with Him."

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Word

The Word of God:

Restores the soul
Makes wise the simple
Rejoices the heart...
Enlightens the eyes
Keeps from presumptuous sins

In need of any of those? Find your Bible, open it, read it.