I believe that we need to tell those that we are encouraging to follow Christ that the path of discipleship leads to a Garden of Gethsemane moment (at least one). The time will come when the follower of Christ will find his or her life in the one set of circumstances he or she would have never wanted to be a part of their life's experience. Finding themselves on their knees because they lack the strength to be anywhere else, they will have to make the most crucial decision.... Will they in submission cry out, "Nevertheless, not my will but Thine"? Or will they struggle to their feet, turn their back on God, and walk out of the Garden away from the cross every disciple must bear daily? "If anyone will be my disciple, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me continually."
Those circuimstances will not change. But those who walk away will change and become insensitive to the Spirit, angry at the Father, dismissive of the Son. That's as empty a life as anyone can live. No life is more out of control than the life that a man tries to take control of himself.
Those who submit to His will live the life of the cross--a life that touches others with unconditonal love, sacrificial love, forgiving love. No life has more meaning, is more fulfilling, makes a greater impact on the world. It is a life energized by the resurrection power of God.
Why must those who have been in the Garden moment and prayed the prayer of submission tell those coming behind us that such a moment (moments) are coming? Because then we can tell them that it has been worth it all to choose to follow Him as His faithful disciple in the midst of life's more devastating moments. They will find Him faithful. They will be able to love the world with a holy love. And that will make an eternity of difference.
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