Saturday, November 24, 2018

Day Seven 2018

Day Seven Thanksgiving Week 2018
I am thankful that Jesus never fails.
His mercies are new every morning
When I am faithless; He is faithful. He will never forsake me. "Great is Thy faithfulness."
He never fails to forgive.
He never fails to comfort.
He never fails to discipline that I might bear the fruits of righteousness.
He never fails to provide the strength--joy--for each day.
He answers every prayer.
He is always revealing to me the beauty of His creation. I don't know what He's "paying" my Gardening Angels, but it's not enough. 
His loving kindness is steadfast.
He daily satisfies my spiritual hunger--still waters and green pastures fill my day.
He never fails to meet my needs and often "meets" my wants.
He always gives good gifts.
He will never allow me to be separated from His eternal love.
"Heaven and earth may pass away, but Jesus never fails."
"Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul, thank you, Lord, for making me whole, thank you, Lord, for giving to me, Thy great salvation, so rich and free."

Friday, November 23, 2018

Day Six Thanksgiving Week 2018 Majestic Moments

Day Six: Thanksgiving Week 2018
I am thankful for the moments of each day.
The furry alarm clock waking me up as if we're still on school time this week.
The sun shining in the window--and then shining most of the day.
The anticipation of some rain tonight--I love listening to the rain.
The Last Ride--I am enjoying her though I keep wanting to shift.
Warm toast with a touch of cinnamon for breakfast.
Feeding the birds--face-to-face encounters with the downy woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, and tufted titmice. No fear. It's as if they expect me to "fly away" and not bother them while they eat.
Finding a couple colorful indoor plants for the jungle in front of the doorwindow.
Running into a couple of my former students on the same day. Thank you Ellie Bowers and Courtney Farrell for saying "hi." They are not my "kids" anymore. God has them on the move.
Finishing the last bed make-over for 2018. I made it!!
Great lunch at Corner Bakery--love their BLTs. You should try one. I mean, bacon!
Relaxing moments reading the paper with Homesteader curled up in my lap demanding attention now and then--mostly content to just be relaxing along with the servant.
Vacuuming. Doing dishes while looking out at The Acres through the kitchen window.
Two nice long treks through The Acres.
Not grading papers.
Is it not true, as one of America's poet's has asserted (Lowell), that "there is nothing more extraordinary than the ordinary"? Thank you, Lord, for the majestic ordinary moments of an ordinary day.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Day Five Thanksgiving Week 2018 Memories

Day Five Thanksgiving Week:
I am thankful for those visions of the past God gives to us--for memories. Memories of past events, memories of people who have moved away, memories of people gone Home. Sometimes they come with sorrow, but even the sorrow is mixed with the joy of a taste of their presence. They are a reminder of the love and joy, and yes, even the disappointments and losses of our lives. But I can't imagine not being able to remember Pop in his garden, Mom sitting in her floppy hat on my patio, my boys as children entertaining Mom and Pop, their growing up years--even Brad as a small, small child sitting in the hospital bed after his cancer surgery having no idea why Mommy and Daddy let it happen. Memories of sitting in church as a young boy with my parents. And, oh, the boxes of exquisite candy they passed out at Christmas! School days--elementary to college--friends and occasions all planted in my mind. Made another memory today--had Thanksgiving dinner with Brad and Mindy at their new home--it's a marvelous little place with a monstrous backyard. And Brad's becoming quite the chef. And Mindy knows how to put up a Christmas tree that brightens up the world. The new little puppy is a doll as well. Love memories. They edify, encourage, fill our hearts with joy, remind us all the wondrous things He has given us in our lives--people, events, treasured moments. And for a moment we can have the presence of those we love and miss back in our hearts. Thank you, Lord, for those visions, those memories that make up the wonders of our lives. To list them all would take another lifetime.

Day Four Thanksgiving Week 2018--Strength

Day Four Thanksgiving Week:
I am thankful for the strength to work. My "job" today wasn't nine to five, but close. Eleven to 5:30--with a nice walk before I decided to enjoy the curse. Maybe I've been blessed with a little bit of Pop's strength. My hands are frozen, but other than that, no complaints--at least until tomorrow. Did lots of mulching today--and finally re-did the one big bed on my schedule for 2018. Still have one little one to go--maybe later this week. Met a new friend today as well--Aaron's puppy; a black shepherd. Full of curiosity and play. Brought me a stick to throw in case I was a slow learner. I guess I passed the test--he kept bringing it back. Feathered friends are active--just a few snowbirds though and a flock of robins comes by off and on, and a mockingbird. Don't the last two know that winter is coming? I mean, this morning was the first this week that I didn't wake up to snow. Work is such a blessing--tires the body, fills the soul, relaxes the mind. Thank you, Lord for tasks to do, and the strength to do them. If I wake up groaning in the morning, ignore me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Day Three of Thanksgiving: The Gifts and Calling of God

Day Three Thanksgiving Week:
I am thankful for the gifts and calling of God. I can remember as a first grader sitting in the one room that made up our entire elementary school in the basement of a church in St. Louis, Missouri, knowing that one day I would be a teacher. That may seem improbable to many--but I remember. Miss Anna Irwin was our teacher, and the class was looking at a "play" I had written about vegetables--and I knew. And what a saint Anna Irwin was--teacher extraordinaire. 
Now, what I would teach was still "up for grabs," but never teaching. I think my entire family was chosen to teach--Mom, Pop, Chloe, Janice, and finally, the spoiled younger brother. I have always taught the Bible. I remember "preaching" my first sermon at sixteen in a little country church in Missouri--I spoke on loving God in such a way that all would know He was the love of your life. But "academically" it took until my sophomore year in college that I settled in on English and history. Originally, and I hesitate to confess this--I was going to teach math and physical education. Strange combination I know, but I loved math and wanted to coach. I did well in my college math class, taught by my brother-in-law, Larry Lemon, (perhaps he remembers differently), but I was drawn to literature and history as a means to teach truth and virtue. I did coach--not very well--for many years, but I gave that up in 1980--no regrets at all.
So since 1969--with some years off in hiding or taking care of Mom--He has placed me a classroom. And I am still learning every year what it means to be a teacher. The most important thing it means is that you have been called to love your students by demonstrating to them the love of God. I have not always done that well. Brokenness was the love He used to change my focus from self to others. And it is a focus that is just as challenging now as it was when He first began to teach me. It is also important that you teach the things you love so that it becomes contagious, and the students learn to love those things as well, and love to critically embrace the ideas being presented. Embrace the analysis and the ideas--not accept them necessarily. The third most important thing I am learning is that the greatest danger I face is to become a grader rather than a teacher. That will always be a struggle in education today.
The last place--I think--that He has called me to teach is Worthington Christian High School, and the last "age" He has called me to teach is the seniors. And, though I don't get to teach them all under the current system (sadly), I do get to love them all.
I love my Lord and Master Teacher. I love learning from Him each day. I love that He has called me to be a disciple who happens to be a teacher. I love that He has given me the gift of teaching so contrary to my love for solitude. I love each student He sends my way. And I pray that He will enable me to continue to do His calling until He's ready to call me Home. Faithful is He who calls you to empower you to fulfill His calling. That is a truth I am experiencing each and every day.
He called me when I was too young to know what a calling was. He has patiently taught me how to be His teacher in the classrooms where He placed me--and trust me, I have not always done a work pleasing to Him. But He continues to not give up on me, and, who knows, maybe someday I'll get to teach the grand-kids of kids I've taught. (That's a scary thought)
Thank You, Lord, for your calling, for each student You send me, and for the strength to continue to grow in the calling you have placed upon my life.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Day Two Thanksgiving Week November 2018: Places

Day Two: Thanksgiving Week

I am thankful for places. My childhood and teen years were spent in Wellston, Missouri, right outside St. Louis. (Go Cardinals!) Most of it was spent on Chatham Avenue. Grandma lived behind us, Ziff cousins right up the street, our church--Chatham Bible Church--was up on the next block, the greatest bakery in the history of the world at the top of the block (Krausse's I think was its name.) High school was a nice walk--"ten miles uphill in the snow; there and back" Mr. Winkler with his horse and fresh vegetable truck--with chunks of ice on hot St. Louis days. Even more refreshing than a Pepsi. Basketball in the alley with Eddie; baseball in the streets. I envy no one his or her childhood--the growing up years.
College and the few years afterward were a number of unmemorable hangouts. The next place that is dear to my heart is a little garage turned into an apartment in Bainbridge, Georgia. Out in the country, fishing pond behind it. Brad was born while we lived there. I would gladly trade that garage home for many of the places I've lived in my nomadic life. And, of course, the little home the boys and I lived in in South Carolina after Susan left us. My sister, Janice, and her husband, Dewey, let us live their for practically nothing--one of our lives greatest blessings. Woods behind for the boys to explore and wander and get lost in. Brad the Trailblazer would always find the way home. A place of quiet healing for us. The name of the town says it all: Traveler's Rest. Indeed--for body and soul.
All the places after that kind of blend together--Clintonville, down near campus, East side, apartments in the Worthington area. Stops along the way. Good places for the most part. The hearts make the home, do they not?
And now, finally (I hope and pray) The Acres. The perfect place for me (perfect but not perfected)--a place in the country with room for all the things I cherish--quiet, solitude, beauty. (Wish you could have joined me on my early morning walk in the dark and the snowfall today.) Dick Ault was the friend God used to find The Acres for me. (I'm sure one of the many stars in his crown was for leading me here.) It has everything a flower lover could covet--areas of bright sun, dappled shade, deep shade, a pond, a bog (come on, how many people have their own swamp?) Any flower can find a place to thrive here. And feathered friends are abundant as well--the colors of winter. God saved the "best place" for last. By His grace it will be my final place on this gorgeous earth. I am resting contentedly in Philippians 1--to live is Christ, to die gain, to go home so much better, to be used to touch lives for Him until my calling is complete. 
Places. He has undoubtedly led me to each and every place with love and patience and provision. And, of course, by His grace the actual "best place"--perfect and perfected, still awaits. Home. He has gone to prepare a place for me in His Father's House. Thank You, Lord, for the places you have planted me along the way in my journey Home. And thank You for this place, The Acres! I couldn't have chosen a better one for my olden times. For the beauty of my place on earth, I give you thankful praise!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thankful November 18, 2019

Day One Thanksgiving Week:
I have been regenerated. Once dead in my trespasses and sins, I have been made alive in Christ. Christ lives in me--the Hope of glory. Absent from the body, I will find myself in His presence, and so, I shall ever be with the Lord.
I have been redeemed. In loving kindness He paid the price to redeem me from the kingdom of darkness and call me into the Kingdom of Light. I am no longer a slave to sin, but a bond-servant of the Eternal God who has made me His child. He sees me as His good and faithful servant.
I have been justified. He has taken away my old robe of unrighteousness filthy as the filthiest rag and instead clothed me with His own righteousness. My life is hid in Christ. When the Father looks at me, He sees His Son--my Savior.
I have been reconciled. Once I was an enemy of God--a soldier of the prince of darkness, fighting the losing battle, totally incapable of overcoming the world, an enemy of the cross, headed toward eternal destruction. Now He calls me "friend," His soldier no longer entangled with the world, armed with spiritual weapons of love, tearing down the strongholds of the enemy, empowered to take every thought captive to His will. Each day armored up with the armor of God.
I have been lavished with His grace and mercy. No longer condemned. No longer, deservedly, under the wrath of God. I am now enabled by His power to be a giver of grace and mercy to others. Saved by grace. Growing in grace. Lavishing His grace on others.
I have been sanctified, He has set me apart as His holy one. He is transforming me into His likeness on a daily basis. I am His child and one day, when I see Him, I will be like Him. He will give me a body incorruptible, incapable of being defiled, immortal--so that I can spend eternity in His presence.
I have been given son-ship. Born again by the Spirit into His family. Adopted by His good will and pleasure into His family. I have been given the right to be called a child of God. I have been given the ability to come boldly into the presence of my Heavenly Father to obtain grace and help in time of need, confident in the inexhaustible riches of glory. I have been made--unbelievably--a joint-heir with Christ.
I am loved with His everlasting, loyal, faithful, inescapable love.
Thankful praise belongs to Him. What a Savior!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

In Everything

"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord."

In everything:

I am thankful for those times when the physical resources were not nearly enough to meet the physical needs for they have taught me that He has more than enough resoures from treasuries outside my self to meet my every need....
I am thankful for the times of self-doubt for the Spirit then assures me, "you are My child"--and His assurances are greater than even the doubts of my own heart.
I am thankful for the times my good intentions have been "misinterpreted" and led to misunderstanding for such times have taught me to embrace with joy all the good intentions of others.
I am thankful for the tears for how else could I learn to weep with those who weep--and if He hadn't taught me that how could I learn to rejoice with those who rejoice?
I am thankful for the brokenness that has given me a sense of the brokenness in others--a sympathy, no, an empathy, for the hurting ones He continues to bring into my life--every day.
I am thankful for the storms of life for they have made me rely totally on my faith in His promises--they have given me wings of faith to soar on the winds of adversity.
I am thankful for the winters of life because when He in His grace brings the renewal of a spiritual spring His beauty is breathtaking.
I am thankful for the aging of my body that makes me more and more dependent on His strength to face the physical and spiritual challenges of the calling He has graciousl given me.
And, of course, I am closer Home with every step.

"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord."

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


As He endured the agony of the cross for you and me, what was His focus?

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

"John, behold, your mother. Mother, behold, your son."
"This day you will be with Me in paradise."

Yes, His focus was on the needs of the hurting people around Him--dearest loved ones and deepest enemies. As you and I bear our crosses as His disciples, on whom, then, should we focus?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018



 Your life is hid in Christ.
In times of distress, He is your strong tower.
When you fall, His everlasting arms catch you up.
Each day you abide under the shadow of The Almighty....
When you sin, He advocates on your behalf, and His righteousness is your defense.
Today He will lead you to the quiet waters and the green pastures. You will not want.
When you return from straying from His love, He and His angels fill heaven with celebration.
His lovingkindness--His loyal love--endures forever.
As His betrothed, He is coming to take you home to the Father's house. He has prepared a place for you.
In your times of weakness, He strenthens you with His joy.
He enfolds your cares to His heart; your needs He embraces as His responsibility to meet.
His goodness and mercy saturates your yesterdays.
He sweetens heaven with your every prayer.
When you see Him, He will transform you into His likeness--immortal, incorruptable.

O come let us adore HIm

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Days Off

Psst. God doesn't take Tuesdays off. So, you're worried, why? Are the Democrats the light of the world and the salt of the earth? Not a chance. Are the Republicans the light of the world and the salt of the earth? Not a chance. No matter what happens on Tuesday our assignment as His children will not change at all. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and your neighbor as I have loved you." Perhaps, our problem is that we're trying to pass on our assignment to people who don't know it and wouldn't care to live by it even if they did know it. The real "issue" on Tuesday--for every day--is will I be faithful to keep my assignment: Love God with all that I am, and Love my neighbor as deeply as He loves me. My faithfulness to that command is the only power that will produce change. And change starts when my neighbor knows the love of God, when I love my neighbor as He loves me: sacrificially, kindly, patiently, with a heart of forgiveness, unconditionally. God doesn't take any days off. You and me?