Day One Thanksgiving Week:
I have been regenerated. Once dead in my trespasses and sins, I have been made alive in Christ. Christ lives in me--the Hope of glory. Absent from the body, I will find myself in His presence, and so, I shall ever be with the Lord.
I have been redeemed. In loving kindness He paid the price to redeem me from the kingdom of darkness and call me into the Kingdom of Light. I am no longer a slave to sin, but a bond-servant of the Eternal God who has made me His child. He sees me as His good and faithful servant.
I have been justified. He has taken away my old robe of unrighteousness filthy as the filthiest rag and instead clothed me with His own righteousness. My life is hid in Christ. When the Father looks at me, He sees His Son--my Savior.
I have been reconciled. Once I was an enemy of God--a soldier of the prince of darkness, fighting the losing battle, totally incapable of overcoming the world, an enemy of the cross, headed toward eternal destruction. Now He calls me "friend," His soldier no longer entangled with the world, armed with spiritual weapons of love, tearing down the strongholds of the enemy, empowered to take every thought captive to His will. Each day armored up with the armor of God.
I have been lavished with His grace and mercy. No longer condemned. No longer, deservedly, under the wrath of God. I am now enabled by His power to be a giver of grace and mercy to others. Saved by grace. Growing in grace. Lavishing His grace on others.
I have been sanctified, He has set me apart as His holy one. He is transforming me into His likeness on a daily basis. I am His child and one day, when I see Him, I will be like Him. He will give me a body incorruptible, incapable of being defiled, immortal--so that I can spend eternity in His presence.
I have been given son-ship. Born again by the Spirit into His family. Adopted by His good will and pleasure into His family. I have been given the right to be called a child of God. I have been given the ability to come boldly into the presence of my Heavenly Father to obtain grace and help in time of need, confident in the inexhaustible riches of glory. I have been made--unbelievably--a joint-heir with Christ.
I am loved with His everlasting, loyal, faithful, inescapable love.
I have been redeemed. In loving kindness He paid the price to redeem me from the kingdom of darkness and call me into the Kingdom of Light. I am no longer a slave to sin, but a bond-servant of the Eternal God who has made me His child. He sees me as His good and faithful servant.
I have been justified. He has taken away my old robe of unrighteousness filthy as the filthiest rag and instead clothed me with His own righteousness. My life is hid in Christ. When the Father looks at me, He sees His Son--my Savior.
I have been reconciled. Once I was an enemy of God--a soldier of the prince of darkness, fighting the losing battle, totally incapable of overcoming the world, an enemy of the cross, headed toward eternal destruction. Now He calls me "friend," His soldier no longer entangled with the world, armed with spiritual weapons of love, tearing down the strongholds of the enemy, empowered to take every thought captive to His will. Each day armored up with the armor of God.
I have been lavished with His grace and mercy. No longer condemned. No longer, deservedly, under the wrath of God. I am now enabled by His power to be a giver of grace and mercy to others. Saved by grace. Growing in grace. Lavishing His grace on others.
I have been sanctified, He has set me apart as His holy one. He is transforming me into His likeness on a daily basis. I am His child and one day, when I see Him, I will be like Him. He will give me a body incorruptible, incapable of being defiled, immortal--so that I can spend eternity in His presence.
I have been given son-ship. Born again by the Spirit into His family. Adopted by His good will and pleasure into His family. I have been given the right to be called a child of God. I have been given the ability to come boldly into the presence of my Heavenly Father to obtain grace and help in time of need, confident in the inexhaustible riches of glory. I have been made--unbelievably--a joint-heir with Christ.
I am loved with His everlasting, loyal, faithful, inescapable love.
Thankful praise belongs to Him. What a Savior!
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