One thing for sure won't change in the new year: the faithfulness of our God and Father.
My word for the year: "waiting."
Neither the giving or receiving of applause is sin. It's the heart's attitude and response to the applause that matters--in both the giving and the receiving.
The difference between the ideal and the real is action--obedience and diligence. Make it happen.
God did not redeem us to set us free to live our lives. He redeemed us to set s free to live His life.
Remember as you continue your journey, as you continue to follow your Master and Savior, that "the way of the cross leads Home." Closer Home with every step.
The world will continue to make their lives more secure by trusting in temporary things. May we live lives that reflect what we know to be true: "More secure is no one ever than the loved ones of the Savior."
The "bar has been raised." John tells us that the commandment sets a new standard. We are not just to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to love them as deeply, unconditionally, and sacrificially as He loves us.
How do I know that all things work together for good? The cross and the empty tomb.
God gives us each new day so that we can "rejoice and be glad in it." His mercies are new every morning.
Unless I fully surrender to His will in all things, I will never be able to pray, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Even when there is no excuse for their not knowing.
When we pray the prayer of surrender to His will: "Nevertheless, not my will but Yours," He strengthens us with His joy, surrounds us with His peace, and empowers us to love with a holy love. And we radiate that joy, that peace, and that love to all we come in contact with--His joy, His peace, His love. The prayer of surrender is essential to our transformation into His likeness.
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