This week--Thursday to be exact--I will turn 73 and, Lord willing, begin my third year of grace. I have immensely enjoyed the last two grace years and look forward to this one. Not that I would complain if He would prefer to have me come Home. As I've probably mentioned, I am resting confidently in Philippians 1: "to depart is far better," but since He still has me hanging around, I will try through His grace to touch a life or two for Him--each day that He gives me. It has been worth it all to follow Him. I like to reflect each year as this "anniversary" comes around so I hope you'll bear with me as I share a few of the many things He has taught me--and reinforced--over the decades.
My students sometimes ask me what has been the best day of my life, and I always tell them--though I think they may doubt me--that today is the best day of my life. It is only today that I can touch lives with the love, patience, grace, and encouragement that He has lavished on my life. Tomorrow's gone. Yesterday, not ever coming. But today!!! I get to walk in His presence and prayerfully be used by Him. Yes, today--this day--is the best day of my life.
There is nothing I want more for my students than that they draw closer to Him--grow each day in the wonder of His love for them. But I can't make that happen. I can love them, encourage them, testify to the sweetness of a walk with Him, but they must choose--day-by-day to surrender to His will. And I will day-by-day by the Spirit's power love them--each.
Nothing that has ever happened in my life has ever "caught" His love by surprise. Nothing. No loss can compare to the lasting joy of His eternal presence.
I weep every day. I laugh every day. It's a commandment I cherish.
If I do His will today, when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be in His will.
To be filled with the Spirit, I must be saturated with His Word. Nothing else will do it. Beware! Beware! Beware of a second-hand relationship with the Word of Truth.
Each day at The Acres I sense His eternal power and glory. He is the Creator. Only willful blindness denies it.
I do not always understand why things happen. But surrendering to His holy love and infinite wisdom brings me peace. And allows me to see Him just a little more clearly.
Take the world, but give me Jesus.
There is nothing I want more for my students than that they draw closer to Him--grow each day in the wonder of His love for them. But I can't make that happen. I can love them, encourage them, testify to the sweetness of a walk with Him, but they must choose--day-by-day to surrender to His will. And I will day-by-day by the Spirit's power love them--each.
Nothing that has ever happened in my life has ever "caught" His love by surprise. Nothing. No loss can compare to the lasting joy of His eternal presence.
I weep every day. I laugh every day. It's a commandment I cherish.
If I do His will today, when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be in His will.
To be filled with the Spirit, I must be saturated with His Word. Nothing else will do it. Beware! Beware! Beware of a second-hand relationship with the Word of Truth.
Each day at The Acres I sense His eternal power and glory. He is the Creator. Only willful blindness denies it.
I do not always understand why things happen. But surrendering to His holy love and infinite wisdom brings me peace. And allows me to see Him just a little more clearly.
Take the world, but give me Jesus.
When He decides to take me Home, today or twenty years from now, (Surely I'll be a grouch by then if He lets me hang around!), these are my requests of my friends.
Ladies. Adopt my sons. They have missed out on one of God's most powerful and gracious gifts--a mother's prayers.
Friends. Once a month or so--if you're willing--go to my blog, pick a devotional you enjoy, and post it. And leave my name off it--hopefully and prayerfully--the Spirit will receive the praise for the words He's gifted me.
Flower Lovers. If my sons have trouble selling The Acres, (and they very well might), have a flower rescuing get-together out here. Bring your shovels and your diggers and rescue the beauty.
Don't let a Rehoboam get them.
English Teacher: If you love Christ with all your heart, and love teenagers--all of them, and believe that the greatest things they need to learn are graciousness, gentleness, diligence, and His beauty and sweetness--so much more than they need to learn English--there will be job opening a WCHS. Tell Buzz I sent you.
You can teach them English, too.
Friends. Once a month or so--if you're willing--go to my blog, pick a devotional you enjoy, and post it. And leave my name off it--hopefully and prayerfully--the Spirit will receive the praise for the words He's gifted me.
Flower Lovers. If my sons have trouble selling The Acres, (and they very well might), have a flower rescuing get-together out here. Bring your shovels and your diggers and rescue the beauty.

English Teacher: If you love Christ with all your heart, and love teenagers--all of them, and believe that the greatest things they need to learn are graciousness, gentleness, diligence, and His beauty and sweetness--so much more than they need to learn English--there will be job opening a WCHS. Tell Buzz I sent you.

Seventy-three!!! Time flies when you're being blessed and loved on by the King of Kings--who happens to be your Father--by His choice through the death of His Son--your Brother.
What can a child of God say to sum up his life but one thing: Thank You my Redeemer and my Friend. And what grace is found in the "my."
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