Thursday, April 4, 2019


We have moments and experiences in our lives that inspire us--and those are good things. To be energized spiritually is a marvelous experience. We do need to be careful to not feel as if those moments were "bad' because the feelings "fade" at times. The good that we were inspired to do in those--and because of--those moments of inspiration are good things. The kingdom has been impacted.
Yet, our prayer should always be that those moments --all our experiences--become tran...sformational not just inspirational. What's the difference? Transformation changes us--the way we think about God and His expectations for our obedience in all things; and consequently, it changes the way we live in every aspect of our lives--daily. Our focus changes from what we desire--what pleases us--to what He desires in all our moments--what pleases Him. Spontaneously. Selfishness--even in its most subtle forms--becomes repugnant to us. Our changed view toward this moment is that my heart's desire right now is that He be preeminent in everything I do--large or small. We develop the mind of Joseph--we have a deep sense that we are living each and every moment in the presence of God.
Again, moments of inspiration have energized people to do positive acts for the kingdom. Even if the "feelings" fade, the good that was done was good. We and others have had our lives touched by His presence.
But transformation changes us from the inside out, from being self-centered to Christ-centered. No matter our feelings, we live as those dedicated to our Fathers' will in every situation. What we want, what pleases us, becomes irrelevant to what He wants from us even in the most mundane moments of each day. "Be transformed by the renewing of your minds." Present all that you are as a daily, complete sacrifice to His will.

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