Sunday, June 9, 2019

Vociferous Desperation

It used to be said that men are living lives of "quiet desperation." And, no doubt, many still are. But today, in our culture, it seems to me that men are living lives of vociferous desperation. As they look at a world full of disarray and decay, they latch on to a cause or causes that they believe will give meaning and hope to the world, and thus, to their lives. When they achieve their "cause," and life still has no meaning, they strike out at those who they think are the source of their frustrations. They vilify others--hatefully; they who claim to hate exclusivity, become champions of exclusivity--if you do not support their cause, you are treated with disdain, relentless personal attacks, and sometime even acts of violence. They are a victim--and if you criticize their conclusions, you are an oppressor--worthy of hatred. I don't see any hope of it getting better. Desperation seems to always take root in bitterness and hate. The world is full of Esau's.
Christians must not respond in like manner. We must not expect those who do not have a relationship with our Savior to act as if they do. That's irrational.
What must me do? We must fill our lives and infuse our encounters with gentleness and grace. No matter how people respond to our light, we must immerse them in the loving grace of His heart. The Christian does not retaliate and spew forth hatred. The Christian prays that the desperate will come to the arms of Him who has grace enough to give them hope and a life full with meaning--a life of servant-hood to all those in need of His lavish love. The Christian forgives because they know that the desperate know not what they do. Truth must be spoken in love or it is harshness and arrogant and ungodly. And when they call us haters," they will be right. To be light in our desperate world, the Christian must be an inexhaustible fountain of gracious love.

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