Friday, August 2, 2019

Reflections for July, 2019

The strongest Christian is the one who has given up trying to control everything--control anything. Trust me. Everything is already under control. I guess the question is: Do I really want and trust Him to be in control? Who are you going to trust in?

Often God waits to do His best work until things look totally hopeless.  That way all the glory rightfully goes to Him alone.  Keep doing the work of persevering prayer.

The powerful Christian life comes from being Jesus in the "monotony" of our everyday lives.  Such a life underscores the marvelous truth that He is with us every moment of every day.
It's not a matter of if the world is watching the Christian.  It's a matter of what do they see?  You or Him?

What must a man or woman do to gain eternal life?  "This is the work of God to believe on Him Whom He has sent."

"There is no music in a rest, but let us not forget that the rest is part of the making of the music."  (Cowman)

Are you praying your prayers of remembrance?  Those who have lost someone they love are feeling the lost just as much today as when it happened.  Did you promise to pray for them then?  And now . . .?
Be a faithful friend.

What seeds will you sow today?  God promises that there will be a harvest.

Will I be Christ-in-the-room today?  Have I surrender to His will for my life this day?  Same question.  His glory or my glory?  Which do I really want?

"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart."  (Solzhenitsyn) 

To pursue what I want in life apart from Him is to pursue a life of soap bubbles.  Only one Person promises--and gives--the abundant life.

Peace comes only when I totally surrender to His will.

I still have moments of anger about things that happened thirty years ago.  The response I need?  To once again pray the prayer of surrender.  And the only way to express righteous anger is on a daily basis is through overwhelming acts of kindness.

Any man or woman who thinks his "filthy rags" righteousness will impress the Holy, Righteous, God of Justice is in great eternal danger.

God's goodness and mercy are still actively working in your yesterdays.

Do I spend more time worrying and complaining about the about the condition of my country or more times on my knees praying for its leaders and its citizens--especially those I see as my enemy?  Which do you think is the deepest expression of love?  Which has He commanded you to do?  Which has the greatest power to transform?

Would you like to change the world today?  Touch one person with His love.

Christ-like love is not dependent on the response of the one being loved.  He is love.

God may never explain "why."  The answer lies not in the "why," but in the changeless character of God and my unwavering faith in His character.

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