Monday, September 23, 2019

The Christian Walk

The Christian walk is steady. "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet; a light upon my path." One step at a time, he walks on unhurried, guided by the truths of the One who knows each step, who knows where the stumbling blocks along the way are hidden.
The Christian walk is patient. Focused on the ones who walk beside him, he is slow to anger, slow to speak, quick to listen. Humbled by God's grace at his own failings, he is quick to forgive, anxious to comfort, ready to be the shoulder to lean on, prayerfully serving as the bearer of another's burden.
The Christian walk has its moments of sorrow, times of friendship with grief. But knowing the One who walks the path with Him, the One willing to bear His cares and sorrows, he rejoices in the sorrow knowing that it is the soil that engenders growth, the soil that transforms his spirit and soul into one like his Master's.
The Christian walk must face up to fear. The roaring lion often tries to shake his confidence and send him trembling and fearful from the narrow path to get him to seek refuge on the thorny path of human security. But trembling in fear at the thought of breaking the heart of the One who is his Rock, his High Tower of Refuge, he walks on strong and courageous trusting in the victory over fear promised by his Captain.
The Christian walk is a faith walk. In times of dryness and thirst, he knows that the still waters are just ahead. In times of brokenness, he knows that the journey ahead will restore his soul. in times of doubt, he knows the good is coming--the outcome of his obedient walk rests in the hands of the All-Wise, Almighty God. In times of loneliness, he rejoices in the promise that he is loved with inescapable love, eternal love.
The Christian walk is a servant's walk. He longs to graciously lavish the love lavished on him, into the lives of his neighbors--those in his life in need--physically and spiritually. His deepest desire is to--at the end of his walk--to be embraced by the One he loves but has not yet seen, to hear resounding in his now immortal and incorruptible memory, "Well-done good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of My eternal presence."

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