Steadfast: fixed in direction
"He set His face toward Jerusalem."
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."
The disciple must be as set in the direction of God's calling on his life as our Savior was "set"; steadfast, incapable of being moved off the path of obedience. Incapable of being moved from the work the Father had given Him to do.
That command is book ended between two great truths--one in our past, one in our future. The command rests on an astounding, eternal truth from the past, "Thanks be to God, who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" He set His face steadfastly toward Jerusalem that He might give us the victory over sin and death--a victory that we could never attain. Our love response to such steadfast love should be--spontaneously--a deep desire to do His work. We must set our affections, our loves, on things above where Christ sits at the right hand of the Father. His redeeming work is finished. Our faces must be set on the efficacy of His eternal work on our behalf. Our direction in life to fulfill His will in the Jerusalem to which He has sent us must be immovable. Nothing or no one should be able to turn us aside from the work of the Lord He has assigned us to do. As He has finished His work of victory, so we must take up our cross and finish ours. The servant is not above His Master.
The command to steadfastness also rests on a future promise. "Knowing that your work is not in vain in the Lord." Was His work easy, painless, free of sorrow? No. Was His cross viewed as a defeat in the eyes of men? Yes. Was it in vain? No, it was the greatest victory in the history of eternity past, present, and future. Are you weary in the work of the Lord? Struggling to see any purpose or victory in the work He has called you to do? Meditate and rejoice in His promise: "your work--since it is My work--will not be in vain." Remember your faith rests in the God who rewards those "who diligently seek Him." Be energized by the promise--"the work you do in My name will never be in vain. I will always accomplish My purpose through your steadfast, obedient, abounding love in My work. It will not, cannot, be in vain."
The command to steadfastness also rests on a future promise. "Knowing that your work is not in vain in the Lord." Was His work easy, painless, free of sorrow? No. Was His cross viewed as a defeat in the eyes of men? Yes. Was it in vain? No, it was the greatest victory in the history of eternity past, present, and future. Are you weary in the work of the Lord? Struggling to see any purpose or victory in the work He has called you to do? Meditate and rejoice in His promise: "your work--since it is My work--will not be in vain." Remember your faith rests in the God who rewards those "who diligently seek Him." Be energized by the promise--"the work you do in My name will never be in vain. I will always accomplish My purpose through your steadfast, obedient, abounding love in My work. It will not, cannot, be in vain."
"Victory is promised through grace."
We are "more than conquerors through Him who loved us."
Set your face toward your Jerusalem each and every day. Let nothing, let no one, turn you away from His calling on your life. The disciples' path: steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing (yes, knowing!) that all work for Him will not be in vain.
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