Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Passing By
Understands that long after his students have forgotten what he taught them, they will remember how he treated them--every day and on those days they had a special need. No student in tears ever walks past him.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Fears the Lord: Never makes a decision without asking himself, "How will this decision affect my relationship with God?"
Friday, August 14, 2020
Saturates himself with the Word of God; is filled with the Spirit.
Friday, August 7, 2020
The sky is just starting to brighten. I can hear Homesteader "knocking" on the front doorwindow so there must be another cat checking out the cave this morning. I suppose my friends with little ones are already up--either because the kids are up and raring to go or because it's the only time they can catch a little "me time." Reckon I'll mosey into school this afternoon to see how much work I can put off a little while longer. Still praying. God is never in a hurry, is He? I'm 74--and I still need to learn patience. Impatience is just another form of selfishness. Been reading a good book--Thin Blue Smoke. Still have two more poems to memorize to reach my goal of 70 for the summer. Have one picked out. One more to go. When I can't sleep, quoting them to myself can help me drift off into rest. Still have a couple beds to re-do--real work. But as you can imagine, I love it. I am off to enjoy the day God has given me. "When morning gilds the sky, my heart awakening cries, may Jesus Christ be praised"