Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 "Lo, I am with you always."

What does that mean?
He is not the "light at the end of the tunnel." He is the light that dwells in your deepest darkness.
He is not the peace at the end of the war. He is the deep peace in the midst of the hottest battle.
He is not the escape hatch from the chaos all around you. He is the deep calm in your heart as the world disintegrates around you
He is not going to take away your sorrow. He is going to immerse your life in His joy so that your sorrow can be used by Him to touch the comfortless.
He is not going to fill your loneliness with someone to love you. He is going to fill your loneliness with a deep sense of His presence, the God who is unconditional love.
He is not going to erase the record of your failures. He is going to stoop down, gently lift you up, and remind you that His most useful disciples all rose from out of the ignominy of defeat, embraced the humility needed in their lives, and became broken vessels fit for the Master's use.
He will not meet you on the other side of death; as you walk through the Valley, He will be your companion: "Fear not, I have been here before and destroyed death's power. Death is a stingless wasp. Death is dead."

He is not the God of I will be. He is the God I AM.

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