Thursday, December 17, 2020

Finishing Strong

 We often hear the admonition, "Finish strong!" What does that mean? As you near the end of life think of something spectacular to do for Christ? No! What it means is to keep on being faithful in your everyday walk with Him. My mom lived to be 99, and she finished strong. How? She spent time every day in the Word. She spent time every day praying for those she loved. She spent time every day sharing her love for her Savior and His love for her. She spent time every day enjoying the beauty that surrounded her. She lived a life of praise and joy. She finished strong.

Meditate on those things for a moment. What could be more spectacular than spending time each day reading the love letter sent to you by the Father? And having the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and heart to its beauty and truth--to be your personal Bible teacher every day? What could be more spectacular than entering the very throne room of God to ask for grace and mercy in your life and in the lives of those you love? Knowing He has promised to give both of those to His children! What could be more spectacular than talking to others each day about your greatest Lover and all He's done and is doing for you? What could be more spectacular than enjoying with a thankful heart all the beauty He has surrounded you with? What could be more spectacular than the Spirit using you to praise Him with your life--to reflect who He is to those placed in your sphere of influence?
Do you want to finish strong? Just keep being faithful to the simplicity that is found in Christ Jesus your Lord. What an exquisite simplicity it is.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not very technological so I was wondering if your teachings would ever be published in a book? I would love to have all your wise words available on paper to be able to reread them over and over. And to find these great teachings to read again when I need to hear them again.
