Saturday, February 21, 2015

Honest Prayers

God is not afraid or intimidated by honest prayers. I always think of the prophet Habakkuk who kept asking God "How long, O Lord, will I call for help, and Thou wilt not hear?" Those honest prayers say, "I don't understand what's going on, but I care." Such a prayer didn't anger God. In fact, when He did respond, Habakkuk got a theology lesson, a deeper understanding of God's character--His sovereignty and His love, a renewed confidence in God's control over the affairs of men, and a heart that could sing in the darkest hours. Some answer, eh? Don't be afraid to tell God what's really on your heart. And don't be afraid to keep asking Him until you get an answer. He always answers. And there is so much to be learned from Him. And so much more to be learned about Him. And so much more transformation to take place in your life. It all starts with an honest prayer--or as James puts it--an effectual, fervent prayer.

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