Sixty-nine years is such a longshort time. So many things the Lord
has taught me. Many of them more than once. So many things He is still
teaching me.
The most extraordinary things are the ordinary
things. The most beautiful things are the simplest things. If we could
only understand true riches. Give a poor man a million dollars, and it
may be the worst thing you could do for him. Give him an encouraging
word, a smile, a touch of Jesus' love, and you've made him rich. And
he'll sense it. Is there anyone more miserable than the one who has no
sense of his dependence on the God of Love? The Promise-Keeping God of
The most dangerous day in the world is tomorrow. It is only
for today that God promises His provision--His promise of all your needs
met and all the strength you need to glorify Him this day--this gift of
joy. When we try to borrow from the future--be it years from now or
tomorrow--we only amass a pile of worry, doubt, and faithlessness. This
is the day. Seek first the kingdom of God. One day at a time.
fruits of failure and struggle and sorrow--faithfulness, strength, a
sense of His presence, joy, hope, contentment, forgiveness, mercy,
grace, transformation. Every good and perfect gift comes from above from
the Father of Light.
If today I can touch one life with His loving presence, I have fulfilled my calling.
I can do nothing about yesterday. That's His day. He can be trusted to
infuse my yesterdays with His goodness and mercy--all the days of my
I am never on more dangerous ground than when I lose a heart
of gratitude. There is no such thing as a bad day since I spend each
moment of it in His loving embrace.
"For to me, to live is Christ
and to die is gain. Yet, until He's ready, I must set aside the "far
better" for the faithful servant-hood of today. Nothing else will do;
nothing else but such faith will please Him. Nothing is more delightful
and necessary than pleasing Him.
As the body ages, the soul is renewed. I'm growing younger--more eternal--every day.
May my daily prayer always be no matter how many days He graciously
gives me: "O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer, pour out Thy Spirit,
fill with Thy love; make me a temple meet for Thy dwelling, fit me for
life and heaven above. O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Blessed
Redeemer, pure as Thou art! Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness;
stamp Thine own image deep on my heart."
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