Friday, May 29, 2015

Imagined Joy

Sometimes as you know I let my imagination get the best of me. I've been thinking today of moments in the Bible that I believe brought joy to God's servants--usually through answered prayer; not always because of that, but usually. Now some of you may not agree with me that these were joy moments. But, hey, it's my imagination. When we get Home, we can check out the videos.
Hannah when she knew she was with child--first with Samuel and then with each of the others too--a whole house filled with kids!!!
Esther when the king held out his scepter. Accepted.
Rahab when she heard the trumpets and the shout and the walls started to shake and collapse--except where she and her family stood trusting in the scarlet chord. Safe.
Samson when he felt the pillars move--forgiven, useful to Him one more time.
Mary and Martha when Lazarus did the bunny hop out of that tomb. He's stronger than death!
Mary Magdalen when she heard her name--loved
Naaman when he came up that seventh time--cleansed
The Philippian jailor when he heard Paul's voice--delivered, preserved.
Naomi when she held her "grandson" in her arms--praise for His faithfulness. He hasn't forgotten me!
Boaz when the nearer kinsman said, "I can't redeem her."--ring those wedding bells

I mean, I could go on forever. No doubt you can think of some joy moments too. But here's the remarkable thing--I don't have to imagine the innumerable times my Savior has acted on my behalf in order to fill me with His joy. Every day He does so!!! Imagine that!


One of the most remarkable aspects of Daniel's boldness was its lack of contentiousness.  He never made any demands.  He made most of his choices in the quietness of His heart and then left the consequences to God.  He was faithful in His walk, faithful in his vocation, faithful to always give the glory and honor to His God, faithful in identifying with God's people even at their worst, faithful to constantly tell the truth to whomever asked (and trust me, telling Nebuchadnezzar the truth was not usually conducive to one's health), faithful in daily prayer, faithful to "remind" God of His promises, faithful from a young man to an old man--he finished strong.  And yet, never a hint of spiritual pride, never a critical spirit, never a word of self-defense, never a desire to seek attention for himself,  He just daily walked in obedience to His Lord--boldly. No one ever doubted His commitment to God--even, especially, His enemies. And He got the highest recommendation any believer could imagine--from God Himself, "O man precious to Me, man of high esteem in My eyes."  Bold--always, Contentious--never.  A bold humility  A servant's heart. An unwavering faithfulness. A saint God treasured.

"Dare to be a Daniel?"

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Grace dominates my interactions with other people only to the degree to which I understand how desperate was my need for grace in my past, in the present, and undoubtedly many times more before this day is over.  Spiritual pride is always the enemy of grace living. Only as I embrace the depth of the grace given to me by Him and by those He has placed into my life, will I be Spirit empowered to live a life of grace. God intends for grace giving to be contagious.


The goal of a culture has always been assimilation. The temptation to assimilate is alluring. With it comes acceptance, popularity, the avoidance of conflict, the ease of hiding one's convictions, the comfort of being "one of the boys." There is, perhaps on the surface no logical reason to not fit in.
It really comes down to a simple choice--do I, no matter what the cost--live by God's standards or the world's? Whose approval do I want? What will my treasures be--and all those intangible things mentioned above are "treasures." Yes, it's a love issue, an issue of the heart. Will I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength? Will I love my neighbor as myself? To hide the love of Christ from those around me is the most hateful thing I can do, is it not? Do I understand as Paul asserts that all those "things" the world wants me to embrace are really the rubbish that keeps me from the one thing that truly matters--"to know Him, to press on daily to a deeper understanding of why He has chosen me to follow Him. His desire for me is that I be made conformable to His life style, a life of sacrificial dying to myself in order to lovingly serve others. That is the only treasure worth gaining. All else is "fool's gold." Yes, we are fools when we pursue the tarnished allure of the world. We are the poorest creatures, sad, empty shells of the fullness that can be found only in walking with Him. No one is emptier than the believer who is full of himself, conforming to the world, callously betraying those he calls his friends, denying the sacrificial love that bought Him out of slavery to the world and into the freedom of Christ.

"Take the world, but give me Jesus. All its joys are but a name; but His love abideth ever, thro' eternal years the same."

"Into the love of Jesus deeper and deeper I go, seeking to know the reason why He should love me so"

"Choose you this day whom you will serve."

"Purpose in your heart."

Sunday, May 24, 2015


I don't know about you, but feelings of inadequacy seem to be a constant in my daily walk. The things God has called me--lovingly assigned me--to do always seem overwhelming. Can I really challenge students to confront ideas in such a way that they will respond to them not just academically but transformationally? Can I really for an entire school year model the lovingkindness of Christ each and every day to a host of teenagers each with his or her own struggles and challenges? Can I really as shy and timid as I know myself to be actually interact with my fellow educators and parents in such a way that they will be encouraged by my words and actions? The answer is always, "No, not a chance." And I hope that is always my answer. It is that answer that sends me to my knees each and every day crying out for the filling of the Spirit. It is that answer that keeps me in the Word each and every day so that the Spirit can fill me with His presence--His likeness. It is that answer that keeps me focused on glorifying the One who enables me to make any difference at all in my daily journey in His presence. And like it or not, I never spend a moment of any day when I am not in His presence. The enemy so wants us to believe that the "humdrum" of Christianity--daily time in the Word and daily time in prayer--is "boring" and unnecessary when it is actually the lifeblood of a joyous, impactful, fulfilling walk with Him. The enemy so wants us to look at our ministry and pat ourselves on the back for what the Spirit is accomplishing graciously through us. Inadequate? Yes, we are all quite human. Useless? No. Not if we moment by moment armored by prayer and saturated with the energizing, life-giving Word of the Spirit, are totally dependent on the Creator-Redeemer God of Unconditional Love who makes His home--abides--within us. And then, and only then, can we rest and rejoice in the promise: "I can do all things through Christ who is my strength." All things. Can do.
And then, one day, when we stand in His presence, He will actually--unbelievably--lean over and whisper to the inadequate, strengthless, fearful you and me, "Thank you for letting Me use you to glorify My Name." Oh what love!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Everyone You Meet

May everyone with whom you interact tomorrow be lavished with kindness--no matter how they interact with you. May they sense that in your presence they are safe, accepted as they are, treasured. May they rest in your soft answers. May your words edify--be an impetus to spiritual maturity; exhort--be an encouragement for obedience; console--build a fortress of comfort around their hearts, be a reminder, if necessary, of the limitless forgiveness and forgetfulness readily available from the heart of God. May any sorrows in your heart radiate the joy of your confidence in Him, create a deep desire in your heart to cast your burdens on Him so that you may in His strength help bear another's burdens. May you laugh with those whose hearts are filled with laughter. May you weep with those whose hearts are filled with pain. May the beauty and loveliness of Jesus be seen in you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Advice to Seniors 2015

It's that time of year: graduation is almost upon us. As many of you past seniors know, I like to pass on a little unsolicited advice this time of year. I hope because you know that I love you, you will prayerfully give these thoughts at least a moment of your time; (Well, actually, it's His time that He's given you) but you know what this chubby old bald guy is trying to say.

Class of 2015:
I will start with three of my favorite quotes by other folks wiser than I am.

1. "There is no substitute for excellence, not even success."
2. "Simplicity carried to extremes is elegance."
3. "We would worry less about what people were thinking of us if we realized they weren't thinking about us at all."

4. In the words of that song "Trust and obey for there's no other way"--that "obey" part is really important.
5. Perhaps the most dangerous enemy of an intimate walk with Christ is a second-hand relationship with the Word.
6. One of the devil's biggest lies is that there are no consequences.
7. God doesn't call you to be a rock; He calls you to stand steadfastly on the Rock. It's Where you are standing that makes you earthquake proof.
8. To not spend time with other believers is to hide from God's love.
9. Don't blame God for the consequences of your stupid choices.
10. God isn't fair. Count your blessings.
11. Those who know and love the Creator, love and care for His creation.
12. Single is good. Remember that guy named Paul?
13. Married is good. Just be sure that you remember that one of marriage's primary purposes is for your husband or wife to more deeply understand Christ's love for them through how sacrificially you love them. Try accomplishing that without being totally submitted to the Holy Spirit. Daily.
14. One choice has an awful lot to do with your successful Christian walk and service. Choosing your friends.
15. "You and your life are beautiful. Eternally and moment by moment." (God)
16. It's too late to get ready once the storm is already here. Be faithful now.
17. One day God will quit disciplining and refining you into His image. If you are still alive and walking this earth, that day isn't here yet.
18. (Some of you have heard this one already, but it's really important.) Honor your father and mother is followed by a period.
19. If you can't see God working in your life--He still is.
20. If the approval of men is important to you, chances are the approval of God is not. Jesus was never part of the popular crowd.
21. You can never make a mistake so huge that God won't be eager to forgive you and use that mistake to make you a better channel of blessing to others.
22. You can never stray so far away from God that He is not seeking you. Some of you (perhaps?) might remember that chapel from a couple years ago? Fall off the cliff. Jump off the cliff. Pushed off the cliff. Underneath are the Everlasting Arms. Every time.
23. Be wary of Christian busyness. Be still is not a suggestion.
24. Lazarus died because Jesus loved Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Sometimes the worst moments in our lives are the deepest expressions of His love. You'll know that when you fall at His feet, weeping, in worship and submission to His will. He'll be weeping too.
25. Class of 2015 each of these comes with a loving hug--I promise.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


We are a wounded people.

We suffer the wounds of loss--people we love, things that were important to us, even places that we cherish in our memories; memories filled with the people and things that made those places part of our heart.

We have been wounded by others. Some of those wounds were deliberate. They knew they were wounding us but just didn't care. Oh, how deep that wound! Some of those wounds were unintended, "accidental." Yet, at times, such wounds were as deep and painful as the deliberate ones. To be so irrelevant, so invisible in the heart of someone you love that thoughts of how their decision might wound your heart didn't even occur to them. Ah, the pain of careless wounds.

Sometimes we have seen those we love wounded, and the pain reaches deep into our soul as well. The pain of helplessness is a heavy wound.

Physical pains--wounds--affect us as well. Thorns in the flesh to remind us of our weakness--the wound of frustration with our physical shortcomings can reach into our souls and become spiritual wounds.

What are we the "walking wounded" to do? Remember first--"Wounded for me, wounded for me. There on the cross, He was wounded for me." Then, pray that the Spirit will make you sensitive to those around you lonely from loss. Your love cannot replace the loss, but it can fill a heart with the joy of being loved, of being cared for. The balm of comfort has a healing all its own. And forgive. Never repay evil with evil. To be His child and an afflicter of wounds. What could be so antagonistic toward the love wounds willingly displayed on that old rugged cross--for you? Forgive, always forgive. And we cannot forgive if we do not "forget." And rest in the grace that makes even physical pain a source of dependent strength.

"Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? No; there's a cross for everyone, and there's a cross for me." But I must remember each day, the cross He calls me to bear is like His--a cross of obedience to the Father, a cross to radiate love, a cross to radiate compassion, a cross empowered to fill the lives of the wounded all around me with joy and grace.

"Wounded for me, wounded for me. There on the cross He was wounded for me."

Lord, may my wounds through the enabling of your Spirit of grace be transformed into crowns that I can lay at your feet, wounded for me.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


"Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales; behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust."

"All the nations are as nothing before Him, they are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless."

"He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, who makes the judges of the earth meaningless."

"Why do you say, my way is hidden from the Lord, and the justice due me escapes the notice of my God? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power."

Those words describe your God. Your Father. And, tell me again, what problem do you think He can't solve? What earthly leader--what nothing--are you worried will thwart His will? Weary? Feeling powerless? You are right where He needs you to be so He can infuse your life with His strength--His power.

"Be anxious for nothing; but through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus."

What's that old chorus? "Why worry when you can pray, trust Jesus, He'll be your stay, don't be a doubting Thomas, rest fully on His promise, why worry, worry, worry, worry, when you can pray."

Friday, May 8, 2015


How to be the light of the world:

"Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it. And He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday."

Trust--cast your cares on Him. Set your worries aside. He's not worried.
Do good--focus on the needs of those around you.
Feed--satisfy yourself with His inescapable presence
Delight--want only what He wants
Commit--give up your independence and wilfulness to the wisdom of His plan for you each day
Trust--rest in Him; be still in Him

"And He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday."

Thursday, May 7, 2015


A prayer:

Gracious Father,

When what I hold most dear is lost, irretrievably lost . . .

When the darkness is so deep that I despair of a sunrise . . .

When the only hope I have left to cling to is You--and You alone . . .

May your Spirit so efface the man that I am that those who watch my life say, "Yet, he has faith." And may both the words of my mouth and the song in my heart be continually, "Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful."

In the Name above all other names--Jesus Christ, my Lord . . . Amen.

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Prayer Suggestion

I think we--I--need to simply pray more often for God to bless the people we know and love. We pray for so many other things, but how often do I just ask Him to bless someone's life?

Just Another Day

I wonder if Ruth and Boaz ever discussed how "lucky" they were that on that "fateful" morning she "happened" to pick his field to glean in.

David didn't wake up in the morning and think, "I think I'll kill a giant today." He was just taking lunch to his big brothers. Oh, and he happened to take his sling--that thing he had spent countless hours out in the field perfecting so he could defend his sheep.

I wonder if Esther and Mordecai were wondering if they should have returned to Israel after the exile instead of staying in Persia. I have no doubt that people they knew had returned. Were they thinking, "What are we doing here in Susa when we could be in Jerusalem?"

For Ruth and Boaz, it was a divine appointment.
For David, the same. And who knows when you might need that "sling"?
For Esther and Mordecai, they were exactly where God needed them.

You have a day full of divine appointments. No accidental encounters are on your schedule for today. None. Ready? Expectant? God has filled up your planner for today.

You know that skill--that talent--that God has given you. That thing you've been practicing over and over and over again. One never knows when a "sling" will be needed to enhance His glory--to win a "battle." Prepared? Expectant? God has filled up your planner for today.

Ever wonder why God has you where He has you? You're where He needs you. He has made His plans to use you in this place to do His will to glorify His Name, to do good for His people. Content? Expectant? God has filled up your planner for today.

This will not be a day of chance. Ask God to give you divine insight. Be sensitive to the Spirit's prompts.

"Open my way that I may bring trophies of grace to Christ, my King"

"Silently now I wait for Thee, ready my God, Thy will to see; open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!"

Ready? Expectant? You have a full day ahead of you--a day of divine appointments.

It is never "just another day."