that time of year: graduation is almost upon us. As many of you past
seniors know, I like to pass on a little unsolicited advice this time of
year. I hope because you know that I love you, you will prayerfully
give these thoughts at least a moment of your time; (Well, actually,
it's His time that He's given you) but you know what this chubby old
bald guy is trying to say.
Class of 2015:
I will start with three of my favorite quotes by other folks wiser than I am.
1. "There is no substitute for excellence, not even success."
2. "Simplicity carried to extremes is elegance."
3. "We would worry less about what people were thinking of us if we realized they weren't thinking about us at all."
4. In the words of that song "Trust and obey for there's no other way"--that "obey" part is really important.
5. Perhaps the most dangerous enemy of an intimate walk with Christ is a second-hand relationship with the Word.
6. One of the devil's biggest lies is that there are no consequences.
7. God doesn't call you to be a rock; He calls you to stand steadfastly on the Rock. It's Where you are standing that makes you earthquake proof.
8. To not spend time with other believers is to hide from God's love.
9. Don't blame God for the consequences of your stupid choices.
10. God isn't fair. Count your blessings.
11. Those who know and love the Creator, love and care for His creation.
12. Single is good. Remember that guy named Paul?
13. Married is good. Just be sure that you remember that one of marriage's primary purposes is for your husband or wife to more deeply understand Christ's love for them through how sacrificially you love them. Try accomplishing that without being totally submitted to the Holy Spirit. Daily.
14. One choice has an awful lot to do with your successful Christian walk and service. Choosing your friends.
15. "You and your life are beautiful. Eternally and moment by moment." (God)
16. It's too late to get ready once the storm is already here. Be faithful now.
17. One day God will quit disciplining and refining you into His image. If you are still alive and walking this earth, that day isn't here yet.
18. (Some of you have heard this one already, but it's really important.) Honor your father and mother is followed by a period.
19. If you can't see God working in your life--He still is.
20. If the approval of men is important to you, chances are the approval of God is not. Jesus was never part of the popular crowd.
21. You can never make a mistake so huge that God won't be eager to forgive you and use that mistake to make you a better channel of blessing to others.
22. You can never stray so far away from God that He is not seeking you. Some of you (perhaps?) might remember that chapel from a couple years ago? Fall off the cliff. Jump off the cliff. Pushed off the cliff. Underneath are the Everlasting Arms. Every time.
23. Be wary of Christian busyness. Be still is not a suggestion.
24. Lazarus died because Jesus loved Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Sometimes the worst moments in our lives are the deepest expressions of His love. You'll know that when you fall at His feet, weeping, in worship and submission to His will. He'll be weeping too.
25. Class of 2015 each of these comes with a loving hug--I promise.
Class of 2015:
I will start with three of my favorite quotes by other folks wiser than I am.
1. "There is no substitute for excellence, not even success."
2. "Simplicity carried to extremes is elegance."
3. "We would worry less about what people were thinking of us if we realized they weren't thinking about us at all."
4. In the words of that song "Trust and obey for there's no other way"--that "obey" part is really important.
5. Perhaps the most dangerous enemy of an intimate walk with Christ is a second-hand relationship with the Word.
6. One of the devil's biggest lies is that there are no consequences.
7. God doesn't call you to be a rock; He calls you to stand steadfastly on the Rock. It's Where you are standing that makes you earthquake proof.
8. To not spend time with other believers is to hide from God's love.
9. Don't blame God for the consequences of your stupid choices.
10. God isn't fair. Count your blessings.
11. Those who know and love the Creator, love and care for His creation.
12. Single is good. Remember that guy named Paul?
13. Married is good. Just be sure that you remember that one of marriage's primary purposes is for your husband or wife to more deeply understand Christ's love for them through how sacrificially you love them. Try accomplishing that without being totally submitted to the Holy Spirit. Daily.
14. One choice has an awful lot to do with your successful Christian walk and service. Choosing your friends.
15. "You and your life are beautiful. Eternally and moment by moment." (God)
16. It's too late to get ready once the storm is already here. Be faithful now.
17. One day God will quit disciplining and refining you into His image. If you are still alive and walking this earth, that day isn't here yet.
18. (Some of you have heard this one already, but it's really important.) Honor your father and mother is followed by a period.
19. If you can't see God working in your life--He still is.
20. If the approval of men is important to you, chances are the approval of God is not. Jesus was never part of the popular crowd.
21. You can never make a mistake so huge that God won't be eager to forgive you and use that mistake to make you a better channel of blessing to others.
22. You can never stray so far away from God that He is not seeking you. Some of you (perhaps?) might remember that chapel from a couple years ago? Fall off the cliff. Jump off the cliff. Pushed off the cliff. Underneath are the Everlasting Arms. Every time.
23. Be wary of Christian busyness. Be still is not a suggestion.
24. Lazarus died because Jesus loved Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Sometimes the worst moments in our lives are the deepest expressions of His love. You'll know that when you fall at His feet, weeping, in worship and submission to His will. He'll be weeping too.
25. Class of 2015 each of these comes with a loving hug--I promise.
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