Friday, May 29, 2015

Imagined Joy

Sometimes as you know I let my imagination get the best of me. I've been thinking today of moments in the Bible that I believe brought joy to God's servants--usually through answered prayer; not always because of that, but usually. Now some of you may not agree with me that these were joy moments. But, hey, it's my imagination. When we get Home, we can check out the videos.
Hannah when she knew she was with child--first with Samuel and then with each of the others too--a whole house filled with kids!!!
Esther when the king held out his scepter. Accepted.
Rahab when she heard the trumpets and the shout and the walls started to shake and collapse--except where she and her family stood trusting in the scarlet chord. Safe.
Samson when he felt the pillars move--forgiven, useful to Him one more time.
Mary and Martha when Lazarus did the bunny hop out of that tomb. He's stronger than death!
Mary Magdalen when she heard her name--loved
Naaman when he came up that seventh time--cleansed
The Philippian jailor when he heard Paul's voice--delivered, preserved.
Naomi when she held her "grandson" in her arms--praise for His faithfulness. He hasn't forgotten me!
Boaz when the nearer kinsman said, "I can't redeem her."--ring those wedding bells

I mean, I could go on forever. No doubt you can think of some joy moments too. But here's the remarkable thing--I don't have to imagine the innumerable times my Savior has acted on my behalf in order to fill me with His joy. Every day He does so!!! Imagine that!

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