Thursday, July 9, 2015


On the way to Gethsemane Jesus using the metaphor of The True Vine described for His disciples what an intimate relationship with Him would "look like." He called it "abiding." "The word means "to stay," "to continue on," to remain faithful and steadfast,"to stand by," "to dwell." Yes, Christianity is a relationship, but it is not just any relationship. It is to be an intimate husband-wife,bride-bridegroom relationship--intimate. Mutual. Holy. Pure. Unadulterated by a love for the things of this world and for myself. As His bride I should loving long for His presence, loving desire to do what pleases Him, trust completely in His love, His kindness, His goodness as active agents in my daily, intimate walk with Him. Abiding is empowered by love, by obedience, by submission, by trust. As someone has said, " 'The loving thing to do' is always to obey Him."
Abiding in Him is a necessity if I am going to be transformed into His likeness. Transformation requires that I spend time in His Word, the cleansing, pruning sword of the Spirit. Transformation requires total dependence on the Spirit to do the transformation. I can do nothing without Him. The attempts I make to spiritualize my nature are futile, inadequate, rebellious, spiritual pride. I am trying to usurp the glory that belongs only to Him and make it mine. Idolatry disguised as "spirituality." I must present myself daily as a living sacrifice; I must daily deny myself, I must daily be crucified with Christ so that I can, nevertheless, live through the faithfulness of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.
And I must embrace the truth that it is--in this life--an unending, continual, transformation. In fact, the impetus for the transformation is that I am already bearing fruit. Remarkable, I have begun to be changed into His likeness. And so, His love presses on that I as a fruit-bearing branch will bear much fruit. And that fruit of the Spirit that abides in me is not my doing, nor is it for my consumption, but to touch others with that sense of His presence that inspires my love and obedience to my Lover. He would have them see Jesus. I am called to be a distributor--to glorify Him by leaving a sense of His loveliness wherever I go.
Transformation--day by day abiding--is not easy. God is in the taking away business--the pruning business. Any part of me that that hinders that cleansing He will remove. And I am not often eager to give up those sins and weights that I love to impress people with. Thankfully my Savior's love is patient but relentless. And He promises me all I need to abide--to remain faithful in a hostile world that because it cannot "attack" Him, attacks me. What are those promises to the abiding branch, to the beloved bride? Answered prayer. His joy in its fullness--the joy that endured His cross--the cross. A deep sense of His love for me. A spontaneous love for others. Participation in the transformation process with other branches. Amazement when I see Him use me to glorify Himself. A deepening experiential knowledge of His character that wonderfully deepens my love for Him which in turns makes obedience a joy not a burden. He gives all the strength I need--always only one day at a time--that I might abide in Him as He abides in me.

Yes, on the way to the garden, on the way to the cross, on the way to the tomb, He told His disciples I want an intimate relationship with you. Till death do us part. I am going to make that possible. And by doing so destroy death so that you can be with Me forever. Will you, now, living as an alien in this world, be My branch--my lover, my bride? Will you embrace my heart's desire to transform you into My likeness no matter what I need to take away? Will you obey Me? Will you love Me faithfully and steadfastly and continually no matter how the world responds? If I be lifted up, I will draw men to Me.

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me."

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