Sunday, July 19, 2015

Every Day

We all--I think--understand that the Christian walk can only be lived one day at a time. Yesterday and tomorrow are out of my control. But what does that mean on a "practical" basis?

Every day I must "eat"--desire the milk and the meat of the Word.
Every day I must respond to the Spirit's love by confessing my sin so that the day can be spent "walking in the light" of His presence.
Every day I must pray for my enemies, pray for God's blessing on their lives. Pray for those I am struggling to forgive that God might shower them with His blessings.
Every day I must cast my cares on Him.
Every day I must rejoice in who He is--regardless of how my circumstances change, He never changes--always with me, always faithful, always doing good.
Every day I must be sure that the words of my mouth are acceptable in His sight. My words must be unceasing prayers to Him.
Every day I must have a heart filled with thanksgiving for all things. I must learn to be content with each day.
Every day I must prayerfully put on the whole armor of God.
Every day I must set my affections--my treasures, my love, on the spiritual "things" that are eternal. I must surrender all that I am to Him as a living sacrifice.
Every day I must take up my cross and follow Him in obedient love.
Every day I must humbly remember that His love for me never changes--I am victorious every day because of His love and His strength.

Every day.

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

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