Thursday, December 17, 2015


The journey Home is fraught with disappointment, failure, danger, and greater tests of our faith. We must be focused on seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness on a daily basis. We must not be lured by the treasures of earth which are only, and always, "fools gold." If heavenly treasure, the fruit of the Spirit evident in our daily walk, is our sole desire, disappointment will be transformed into blessing, failure into victory, danger into deliverance, and the greater tests of our faith will deepen our love for Him and solidify our confidence in His goodness. As our faith matures into faithfulness, we will find that it is His faithfulness that secures the journey Home. I must be sure that the light that guides my next step into the darkness of this world is the light of His Word, the lamp for my feet. I must be sure that nothing can quench the Spirit's love radiating from a grace-filled walk. I must be sure that those that stumble find in me a gentleness that is eager to willingly stoop down and lift up--and not a harsh critical spirit quick to judge. I must be sure to humbly grab the hand of those who lovingly desire to lift me up when I have stumbled. I must be unafraid to admit my weaknesses. I must remember that I am called to pour myself out for others, to spontaneously serve others, to understand that in this world I am called to be His feet, His voice, His presence in the lives of all others on the journey with me. I must embrace the promise: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all the things you really need will be provided from the rich, inexhaustible storehouses of My glory."

Jesus Christ is all I need. I must set my affections on things above where my lovely Savior is seated on the right hand of our Father.. "Fixing our eyes" on Jesus is the only way to walk worthy, to walk the walk of faith, the only walk that pleases Him. The walk that ends with "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into My rest."

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