Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Prince of Peace

In a neurotic, hate-filled, war-infested world, God comes with an offer--a promise of peace. And not just the future peace when men's weapons will be used to plow fields, but a right now peace with God--a peace that fills the heart with the peace of God.
Peace with God takes a man or woman with their natural enmity toward God and His righteousness and transfers them eternally into the Kingdom of the God of Love. It is a peace that not even death can destroy. Absent from the body, welcomed with open arms into the presence of The Prince of Peace.
The peace of God overcomes the world, removes troubles from a troubled heart living in a troubled, peaceless world. It removes fears of the unknown because the God of peace has no unknowns. It removes fears of loss because no one can fill up the empty places like the compassionate God of all comfort. It removes fears of failure because weakness engenders spiritual strength. It removes fear of the human enemy because a simple prayer turns them over to the God of justice and vindication. It removes the fear of "the enemy" because He was forever, completely routed on the cross and in the power of the empty tomb. It is a steadfast peace that enables one to continue to abound in the work of the Lord of Peace knowing that all work in His Name is not in vain. Ever. It is a peace that builds a impenetrable fortress of contentment around the heart and mind of the faithful soldier of the cross. The soldier whose weapons are the Sword of the Spirit and the compassion of the Savior that allows them to proclaim lovingly the gospel of peace to all that he or she encounters.

And to whom is this peace offered--peace with God and the peace of God?

A poor young woman and her tradesman husband
A group of unknown shepherds huddled around a fire
An old righteous and devout saint
An old widow prayer-warrior
Rich, wise kings of a distant land
The teacher of Israel
Crooked tax-collectors--of any height
Arrogant blaspheming Pharisees
Jew. Gentile. Man. Woman. Civilized. Barbarian.
All sinners



All those in a neurotic, hate-filled, war-infested world who place their faith in the cross and the empty tomb and the Victorious Winner of the battle for the souls of men--in the Prince of Peace.

"For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

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