Sunday, February 21, 2016


Why is it that when we think of God's hatred for evil, we always point fingers in the wrong direction. We point at a world that doesn't know Him. The consequences for their evil is God's business not yours. Then, we point the finger at other Christians--individually and sometimes corporately. Is their any sin more destructive to spiritual growth than the evil of comparison? And, finally, once in awhile, we examine our own lives. Usually, we respond to the evil we find there by downplaying its power or rationalizing our choices to avoid doing the necessary thing--humbling confessing our sinful choices. And we wonder why there's no sense of His presence in our daily lives. "If we walk in the light as He is in the light" we have fellowship. If we don't . . . "Can two walk together unless they be in agreement?" Do you hate the evil in your life as much as He does? If you do, the joy of your life day by day, will be confession, repentance, and the overwhelming sense of cleansing He lovingly lavishes upon you.

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