Saturday, February 20, 2016

Reflections for February, 2016

Yes, it's true. You will not spend one moment alone today. He is at hand. Each breath is a gift from Him. You are held in His hand all day long. Rest in His love. Live a life of grace.

The Christian walk is about passionate obedience--not debilitating duty. It's about worship--not self-affirming Christian busyness. The life of faith always spotlights the glory of God--not the antics of men, no matter how humanly impressive.

The Christian who claims to understand Christian freedom and liberty who then criticizes and judges others who disagree with him or her is still in bondage to self. And is there any stronger chain, more dangerous lust, clearer evidence of self-centeredness than spiritual pride in a believer's life?             '

Too often--way too often--I complain about God being silent when His Word clearly tells me what I should be doing in the situation--I just lack the will and courage to be obedient. He's not being silent. I'm refusing to listen.

In each situation in our lives, God wants to bring us to the same faith. If He is going to be able to transform us into His image so that He might use us to draw men to His love and wisdom, we must pray, "Nevertheless, not my will but Thine.


Be patient.

"Be kind, tender-hearted, forgiving one another even as God, for Christ sake has forgiven you."
Kindness. Tender persuasion. Forgiveness. Do those things define your relationships? They define His relationship to you.

 "Be still" is not a suggestion.

 The loss of spiritual power--nationally and individually--always begins with the prideful, illogical assumption that the omniscient, holy, loving God is indifferent toward sin.

 The purpose of life is not for God to honor you, but for you to honor Him.

 To fully understand His marvelous grace, one must fully understand his deep need of repentance.

 The false teacher's motivation is simple. He's being sure to tell the people exactly what they want to hear. They are followers, not leaders.

 Too often prosperity is the catalyst for faithlessness.

 God is slow to anger; His forgiveness--immediate.

 The leaders God opposes are the ones who surround themselves with scoffers.

 Everything rests on the first commandment. First, someone disregards God. Then, they disobey God. Finally, they despise God.

 Nothing is more dangerous than a people who determine morality based on public opinion.

 Disobedience does not lead to a pain free life. It does lead to a joyless life.

 Those things we place our trust in other than God are invariably the things that destroy us.

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