Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Thank You

Thankful for small things:

sunshine on a chilly day of working outside
tomato soup for a chilly day of working outside
good books
baseball--go Cards!
the dancing daffodils of spring
an abandoned little white kitten that decided the old man could use some looking after--and some advice
a school that lets grandpas teach
a crazy sister who dumps goldfish in country ponds
cold water to drink
the scent of hyacinths
that we only have to live one day at a time
a solitude during which you are never alone
an omnipotent God that loves to bless His kids with small things

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Resurrection Power

The Power of the Resurrection:

My sin debt--paid in full. No condemnation.
This old, mortal, corruptible body will be exchanged for a new, immortal, incorruptible body. Just like His.
I need not fear what man can do to me.
I can know experientially the Triune, Creator God of the Universe. I can walk with Him each day and sense His presence.
I will never be separated from beauty, goodness, love . . . all the things that are wonderful and marvelous in His sight.
The day is coming: No more tears.
I will walk the streets of the New Jerusalem and the New Earth with those that I love who have gone before me.
The suffering of the present is not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to follow.
I will sing the New Song: "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive glory and honor and power forever and ever for He has redeemed us."
I have unhindered access at any and all times to the throne room of grace and mercy. My prayers are the sweet fragrance that surrounds His throne.
I am never alone.
Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
A sure hope--Christ, in you, the hope of glory.
I am empowered by the resurrection power of God. Death has no power over me. I need not fear it. Death is victory realized. 

I will see Him face to face.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

Today we reflect on--meditate on--the greatest act of love the universe has ever known.

Today we reflect on--mediate on--the greatest suffering the universe has ever known.

Today we reflect on--meditate on--the greatest sacrifice made by the Greatest Servant the universe has ever known.

The greatest act of love was toward you. The greatest suffering was in your place. The greatest sacrifice was for your eternal redemption.

We love, because He first loved us.

How should we love?

Steadfast obedience no matter the cost
A deep love for His other children--how can someone love God whom he cannot see if he doesn't love His children whom he can see?
An out-of-my-pocket love of deeds not mere words
A daily exercise of a servant's heart in as many different ways as He gives opportunity
Tears with those who weep
Laughter with those who laugh with joy
Endurance. Perseverance. Faithfulness. A life that reflects the living hope
Justice--an unwavering commitment to meet the needs of the poor, the oppressed, the widow, the orphan, the alien
This Prayer: "Father forgive them"--for those who have hurt us the most deeply. And are hurting us now.
The presentation of my body as a living sacrifice--holy, acceptable to Him--the act of worship.

We love because He first loved us.

Agent of Change

Every nation and its leaders are accountable to God. The decisions they make are moral choices with moral consequences. He alone determines a nation's "success" or lack thereof. He is the Roaring Lion of history--the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He can come as a lion to destroy or as a lion to deliver. Or both. Slow to anger, patient, but the God who gives you the harvest of your sowing--the consequences for your choices. His "requirements": seek Him. promote righteousness, punish wickedness, use your prosperity to help the oppressed and needy, worship Him in spirit and in truth, and give Him thanks. If a nation and its people think they can defy the "I will" of the omnipotent Creator God of the universe, they are delusional.
Pray for your leaders that God might bring them to Himself, open their eyes to His leading, be couragous in the face of the opposition that such leadership invaribly will face. Quit criticizing. Pray. The heart of the king is in His hands--not yours. He is the "Agent of Change."

Monday, March 21, 2016


I am seventy years old. Life has had its moments of sorrow, heartbreak, disappointment, testing--and oceans of joy. Life still has its struggles and sorrows--it's not as if as you grow older life becomes easier and stress free. But this I know--my relationship with my Savior--Jesus Christ--is not a crutch to get me through life's troubles. No, He is the Rock on which I stand--a sure foundation and the strength to face each day confident that even at my weakest moments I am deeply and lavishly loved by the Creator of the World who gently stoops down to immerse His children in His care.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Oh, the subtle, pernicious arrogance that is spiritual pride. You see, when I pray "make me a blessing to someone today." what I mean is "Lord, use me to do something for someone else that will touch that someone else's life for you today." That, in itself, is a good prayer--a good thing to desire. But then, God says, "I want you to be a blessing to someone today by letting them do something for you. They would receive a blessing by doing that." And, oh, how my spiritual pride cries, "What! Let someone do something for me? I couldn't possibly . . . Ahhhhh, the wickedness of spiritual pride! We are such blessing stealers--such enemies of joy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


There is a broad road, heavily traveled, that leads to destruction.
There is a narrow road going in the opposite direction that leads to life in the presence of God--forever.
There is a road of darkness covered with thorns.
There is a road where one walks in the light led by the Lamp of the Word of God, step by step expelling the darkness.
There is a road where one walks in compliance with the values of the world, committed to the pursuit of the insatiable desires of the flesh, deceived by the lies of the one who masquerades as an angel of light.
There is a road for those who have been crucified to the world and the world to them, for those who are daily transformed by walking in the Spirit, for those who are unshaken by the roar of the threatening lion.
There is a road traveled by those in pursuit of rust, of the moth-eaten, of the stealable.
There is a road traveled by those seeking first the kingdom of God--content with the little or much that He has provided to meet their needs.
There is a road walked by those in pursuit of the applause and approval of men, hungry to make a name for themselves.
There is a road walked by those who's heart desire is His approval, Hiis "well done, good and faithful servant.
There is a road for the self-seeking, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing, self-loving, self-worshiping--the road of emptiness.
There is a road for those who pour out themselves for others, genuinely put the needs of others above their own, faithfully serve until death--the life of overflowing cups.
It is impossible to be on both roads. No one is more miserable than the Christian who tries to walk with one foot on each road.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


The spiritual life, fruitfulness, must have its winters. Trees produce fruit “in their season.” A proof of sonship is discipline. The struggle to do all things through Christ emanates from a life that has learned to be content in both full and empty times. And learning is a process—a life-long process for the child of God. And strength depends on my willingness to admit and embrace the weaknesses designed to undermine my self-sufficiency, my spiritual pride, the ludicrous idea that I can somehow “spiritualize” the natural man that is me. Only my total dependence on the Spirit’s enabling power—His all-sufficient grace—can empower me to be transformed into His likeness—to be Christ-in-the-room wherever He sends me. The winters of life, when God prunes away the “me” that gets in the way of Him radiating through my life, are a necessity. We must always have our winters.
In the winters of my times of doubt, when circumstances have me questioning His love, the Spirit leads me through Gethsemane to the foot of the cross—for me He died. I am unimaginably and undeniably loved by God.
In the winters of my spiritual busyness, when human effort finds me frustrated and overwhelmed, the Spirit whispers, “Peace, be still. I Am God. I Am the One who works within you to do My will. Surrender. Trust. Find your delight in Me.”
In the winters of loss, when one I love or things I cherish are taken from me, the Spirit reassures, “I will never, ever, not for a moment leave you or forsake you.”
In the winters of my failures, when I find myself flat on my face in defeat, the Spirit reminds me, “You are more than a conqueror through the One who loves you with an inescapable, eternal love.”
In the winters of my disillusionment, when I find that my Demas, for the love of the world, has forsaken me, the Spirit sends me a Titus to remind me that many are the faithful.
In the winters of my overwhelming needs, when I find myself in deep and urgent want, the Spirit sets the sure promise before me, “I will supply all you need from the vast inexhaustible storehouses of My glory.”
In the winters of my darkness, when I cannot see the way ahead, the Spirit encourages, “He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your going out as the noon day.” The darkness is light to Him. And darkness cannot put out the light.
Winters are God’s way to lead me from relying on my inadequate strengths and to compel me into the omnipotent arms of my preeminent Savior. Less of me. More of Him. “Without Me, you can do nothing.”

Without a winter there can be no spring. And every winter has a spring. 

“Try me, my Savior. Make me more like Thee.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


According to David--a man after God's own heart--the man or woman who meditates on God's Word--who enriches his or her life with the Word--will be "like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water that brings forth its fruit in its season; his leaf also will not wither, and whatever he does will prosper."
Meditation requires times of reflection, times of thoughtful consideration. Just reading is not enough, but an absorping contemplation of the teaching encountered there is a necessity. Such genuine meditation produces a disciple whose thoughts--and thus life--are controlled by the Spirit's power. In the most chaotic of circumstances, the meditative, contemplative Christian, thinks and responds biblically. No life is richer. With roots sunk deeply into the streams of water, one can grow in love and truth. Planted firmly, one can endure the winds of adversity. In season, the Spirit will use the implanted Word to bring forth fruit--to produce a Christ-like life, a fruit of the Spirit life--that nourishes and strengthens the lives of others. Even "out of season," the life of Christ will be evident--wither proof--life confirming. And such a life prospers--as God sees and defines prosperity. It is ministry, servanthood, compassion, faithfulness--demonstrated, not just preached.
In order to be deeply rooted in the streams of life one must spend time mediating on--thoughtfully contemplating--the truths of Scripture. In order to radiate the fruit of the Spirit in all circumstances, one must spend time meditating on--thoughtfully contemplating--the truths of Scripture. If the disciple desires a life of inward richness and outward enriching, he or she must spend time meditating on the Word. 

Time in the Word is never wasted time. And anyone can do so.

Or not. It is a choice.

"In His law he mediates day and night. And he will be like a tree, firmly planted by the streams of water which yields its fruit in its season; his leaf also will not wither and whatever he does will prosper."

The alternative is a life of chaff--blown about by every wind of doctrine, rootless, fruitless, worthless to oneself and to everyone else.

Your choice. Tree firmly planted. Chaff which the wind drives away. Which do you want etched on your tombstone?

Saturday, March 5, 2016

In Case You Forgot

In case you forgot: God knows exactly what's going on.

All Restoration

All restoration must be done in a spirit of gentleness--a willingness to stoop down and lift up without a spirit of condemnation. Anything less is spiritual pride at work, carnality. It's thinking that you are something when you're not.

God's Faithfulness

God's Faithfulness: He will never leave us nor forsake us. And, as our faithful Father, He will never stop disciplining us and transforming us into His likeness.


Joy. Spiritual Discernment. Contentment


Ingratitude. Doubting God's Character and thus, His promises. Self-pity.

Which reflects your life each day? Today?

If it's the second, it's time for me to plead with God to show me the idols that have self-servingly taken His place as Lord of my life.

Prepared for You

This is the day that the Lord has made . . .

It is a day He has prepared for you. Nothing that occurs today is accidental, random, insignificant. He has designed it that you might sense His presence, lean on His strength, conquer through the Spirit's power, grow and mature spiritually, know Him better than you did yesterday, make the glory of His presence known to everyone around you. As He uses this day to use you as His light and His salt, focus on the singlemindedness that alone gives each day eternal meaning: "To live is Christ; to die gain." Then, at the end of the day, your song will be--"I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Confident Joy

Rejoice in the Lord--in the majesty of who He is. Always rejoice in Him.
Be gentle in your dealings with others--all of them. Stooping down to help just as if the Lord took you by the hand, led you to them, and said, "This one needs My gentle touch."
Pray about everything--intercede for others and make the requests on your heart known to Him. And immerse each prayer in thanksgiving. Rest in Him today. In order to do that, you must begin by casting your burdens on Him--specifically. Express each care to Him. Release them to His love and wisdom. Thank Him for His promise, "I care for you." Then, spend the day trusting and obeying. Rest in Him. Live a life of confident joy.

This day let your heart and mind will be filled with the peace of God no matter what comes your way.

My Heart Cries Out

The cry of submission: "Lord, I will not rely on anything or anyone but you for all that I have, all that I am, and all that I will become. I will trust in your provision, rely on your strength, rejoice in this day and all that it brings, and by your grace use whatever you give me to touch the lives of others with the reality of your love."

"The ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous will walk in them"


The cry of a loving heart: "Lord, guard my heart from idols. Let nothing or anyone take your place of preeminence in my life. May I not be misled by the idol of prominence. May you always be preeminent in my life, my choices, and my love.


The Cry of the Broken-hearted:
Lord--always, Lord--help me to remember that there are no secondary causes. Your love bathes everything that comes into my life. Everything. Even times of discipline--a sonship necessity--flow from Your heart of loving confidence that I will--through the Spirit's wooing--respond in the humility of a teachable spirit. May i reveal Your broken heart to those still lost in sin. May I reveal Your broken heart to those who having known You have turned their backs on Calvary's love. May I reveal Your broken heart to those who weep, to those who need Your comfort, to those who need to know that You are their Faithful Lover. 

Do not heal my broken heart.

Instead, empowered by the joy You lavish on the broken-hearted, make my heart one with Your heart--make me one used by You to bind up the broken-hearted in this world of so much sorrow.