Wednesday, March 9, 2016


According to David--a man after God's own heart--the man or woman who meditates on God's Word--who enriches his or her life with the Word--will be "like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water that brings forth its fruit in its season; his leaf also will not wither, and whatever he does will prosper."
Meditation requires times of reflection, times of thoughtful consideration. Just reading is not enough, but an absorping contemplation of the teaching encountered there is a necessity. Such genuine meditation produces a disciple whose thoughts--and thus life--are controlled by the Spirit's power. In the most chaotic of circumstances, the meditative, contemplative Christian, thinks and responds biblically. No life is richer. With roots sunk deeply into the streams of water, one can grow in love and truth. Planted firmly, one can endure the winds of adversity. In season, the Spirit will use the implanted Word to bring forth fruit--to produce a Christ-like life, a fruit of the Spirit life--that nourishes and strengthens the lives of others. Even "out of season," the life of Christ will be evident--wither proof--life confirming. And such a life prospers--as God sees and defines prosperity. It is ministry, servanthood, compassion, faithfulness--demonstrated, not just preached.
In order to be deeply rooted in the streams of life one must spend time mediating on--thoughtfully contemplating--the truths of Scripture. In order to radiate the fruit of the Spirit in all circumstances, one must spend time meditating on--thoughtfully contemplating--the truths of Scripture. If the disciple desires a life of inward richness and outward enriching, he or she must spend time meditating on the Word. 

Time in the Word is never wasted time. And anyone can do so.

Or not. It is a choice.

"In His law he mediates day and night. And he will be like a tree, firmly planted by the streams of water which yields its fruit in its season; his leaf also will not wither and whatever he does will prosper."

The alternative is a life of chaff--blown about by every wind of doctrine, rootless, fruitless, worthless to oneself and to everyone else.

Your choice. Tree firmly planted. Chaff which the wind drives away. Which do you want etched on your tombstone?

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