Wednesday, March 16, 2016


There is a broad road, heavily traveled, that leads to destruction.
There is a narrow road going in the opposite direction that leads to life in the presence of God--forever.
There is a road of darkness covered with thorns.
There is a road where one walks in the light led by the Lamp of the Word of God, step by step expelling the darkness.
There is a road where one walks in compliance with the values of the world, committed to the pursuit of the insatiable desires of the flesh, deceived by the lies of the one who masquerades as an angel of light.
There is a road for those who have been crucified to the world and the world to them, for those who are daily transformed by walking in the Spirit, for those who are unshaken by the roar of the threatening lion.
There is a road traveled by those in pursuit of rust, of the moth-eaten, of the stealable.
There is a road traveled by those seeking first the kingdom of God--content with the little or much that He has provided to meet their needs.
There is a road walked by those in pursuit of the applause and approval of men, hungry to make a name for themselves.
There is a road walked by those who's heart desire is His approval, Hiis "well done, good and faithful servant.
There is a road for the self-seeking, self-promoting, self-aggrandizing, self-loving, self-worshiping--the road of emptiness.
There is a road for those who pour out themselves for others, genuinely put the needs of others above their own, faithfully serve until death--the life of overflowing cups.
It is impossible to be on both roads. No one is more miserable than the Christian who tries to walk with one foot on each road.

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