When someone places their faith in the finished work of Calvary and
becomes a child of God, he or she is removed from the camp of God's
enemies and taken captive into the kingdom of His Dear Son. Peace with
God. By faith His children are delivered from condemnation and from the
wrath of God. It is a frightening, sobering thought to be in the camp
of God's enemies--as someone has said; "The God of Angel Armies." He is
calling all men to repentance because He has set a day when He will judge all men--and the judge will be the Savior. "At the name of Jesus every knee will bow."
In addition, when someone becomes a child of God, he or she is given
access to the peace of God. "My peace I give to you; not as the world
gives. Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in the Father, believe
also in Me. In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world." He also promises--yes,
promises--that the world will hate His children as intensely as they
hated Him. Our weapon against such hate is the power of His patient,
forgiving, caring love. And our access to that peace is, of course,
prayer. We present to Him our requests, we intercede for His other
children, and we thank and praise Him for His faithful answer to all our
prayers. The peace of God. When the Spirit empowers us to see things
as He sees them--we find peace. When the Spirit empowers us to trust
His work in our lives even when we can't see the good He is
accomplishing--we experience the peace of God. When we learn to be
content with what we have knowing it is all we need--we experience the
peace of God. And what do you suppose could ever "rob" God of His
peace? That is the peace He desires to lavish on His praying, trusting,
believing children.
Peace with God--eternally yours. Peace of
God--yours every moment of every day with every whispered prayer. "
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word.".
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