Friday, June 3, 2016


From the memorials of the Old Testament to our Lord's command to remember His death until He returns, the Christian life rests on remembering. That's why we need to sit under the Word every week, be in our Bibles every day.

Some truths for you to remember as you walk with Him tomorrow:

He died for you.
His love for you is inescapable.
He hears and answers your every prayer.
He and the father hold you in His hands.
Underneath are the everlasting arms.
He is on His throne.
Your weakness is the fountain of His all sufficient grace.
You are never alone.
You are never unwanted.
All things work together for good. The good is coming.
Our last breath ushers us into His presence and the fullness of joy.
This world is not our home.
He is coming again in power and great glory.
At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow.
He is the Resurrection and the Life, anyone who believes in Him shall never die. Never.
When we see Him, we will be like Him.
One day we will be eternally free from the very presence of sin.
The Jesus only moment is coming. He shall wipe all tears from our eyes.

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