Saturday, December 1, 2018

Reflections from November 2018

It is true that we are in the world and not of it. But the world should never doubt that we are in it. We must live a life of praise to Him in order to demonstrate our confidence that there is a better place that all who believe in Him are enthusiastically, lovingly, welcome to make their Home too.


Are you joyfully anticipating His return?  The evidence lies in your daily, faithful, joyful obedience to the calling He has placed on your life right now.


In the "heat" of life's crises, always flee to the shadow of His wings--His loyal love that He promises to you as His child.


The greatest tragedy for the fool is that when the storm destroys his house, all those he claims to love will be inside it.  Disobedience always comes with "collateral" damage.


The purpose of prayer is surrender.


The command "subdue the earth, be fruitful and multiply" like all God's commands can only be fulfilled from a heart of love and deep concern.  Why is it that those who don't even acknowledge the Creator have a deeper love for it than those of us who claim to know and love the Creator?  Greed and exploitation of this beautiful world for the lining of my pockets with money is not Christian.


The minute you stop praying for someone or for a situation, you have given up on God--not on them or on the situation--but on Him, the omnipotent, all-wise, all-loving God of eternity. Sound like a logical for someone to make?


The Gospel message is invincible. Its truth unstoppable. Its victory eternal to those who embrace it. Its message has never interacted with a sinner's heart that it could not transform and redeem. So, share the Gospel.


Often it takes time to see the good He is doing in your life in the midst of the evil others have done--or are doing--to you. Be a Joseph. Keep believing that you are living in His presence, and so, live lives of obedience until He lavishes you in the good He's been planning all along. Overcome evil with obedient faith--with good.


He does not save us to live lives of comfort, but to live lives of giving comfort--the comfort He has taught us in the most difficult trials of our life. The trials He takes you through are because He is bringing others into your life who are experiencing the same trial. You are the provider of His comfort to others--you are His heart of love in action.


The most dangerous lies are the half-truths the enemy tries to deceive us with. The way to avoid such deceptions is to know the whole counsel of God. Nothing else will do.

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