Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Foot of the Cross

When I think of the faith of Mary and Joseph, I wonder if it can ever be put into words adequately. To be chosen by God to be the parents of His Son--can there be a greater commendation to a calling? And we know so little about them honestly. Spoken to by angels; obeyed and submitted to the impossible. The birth of the Child interrupted by a flock of shepherds. A visit to Jerusalem days later and to encounter Simeon and the prophecies concerning their Son. How do you take all that in and not be overwhelmed? Even terrified. Then, nothing for two years--why did they even stay in Bethlehem and not go back home? Suddenly, a visit from the Magi--and they bow down and worship your little boy as the King. Then, the escape to Egypt at night--Herod is trying to destroy your baby! (Of course, the gifts of the Magi will meet all expenses--God's provision.) And how do you raise a sinless two-year-old? A sinless teenager!!!!? Then to return and have to "hide" in Nazareth. And He and they knew who He was--"I must be about My Father's business"--at twelve! Implication--"Why did you not look here in the temple first? Where else would I be?" I can't imagine. But we do know how Mary (and I assume, Joseph, "handled" it all) "And Mary took all these things"--all these events--Shepherds, Simeon, Magi, Herod, Egypt, Nazareth, Temple--"and treasured them in her heart." She may not at times have understood--but she always loved her Treasure. And "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." And so where do we find her at last? Standing at the foot of the cross. How could love be anywhere else? I pray today that He is your treasure--the riches of your heart. So when you do not understand, you will take yourself to the foot of the cross--the place where love embraces love through all the tears.

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