Thursday, May 2, 2019

Reflections from April 2019

Sruggling to see His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine attributes? Get out of the house. His symphonic Creation reverberates with His beauty, power, and divinity. Take a slow walk--there is no other kind of walk--and bask in the invisible. You will see Him if you look for Him there. You will be surrounded by His invisible presence. His ways are everlasting.

Praise Him--or the stones will drown you out.

God created music so He could put a song in your heart.  There is great strength in a singing heart--the Spirit's strength.  Sing. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Don't tell people you'll pray for their needs to be met when the resources to meet those needs are in your wallet.  Be the answer to your prayers--they--nor God--have any use for empty words.

Home. Hope. Synonyms.  I will see Him face-to-face.

Your strength for each day is only as deep and unshakeable as your joy in who He is--the God of your salvation.

Revival: One man or woman faithfully following God no matter the circumstances.

Yes, He is working.  Wait and see.

Who is like Jehovah--the God who pardons iniquities and forgives transgressions, delights in His loyal love for His children, lavishes them with compassion, buries their sins in the deepest sea, and always keeps His promises?

The Spirit gives us a heart for justice and the courage to pursuit it.  We worship God by acting justly, by loving loyally--fidelity, and by walking humbly.

Christian maturity is not measured by how much you know, but by how faithfully you obey what you know.

The most beautiful people in the world--full of grace and truth, living a life that radiates a compassion that acts--are the sons and daughters of the Living God.

His return is closer than it has ever been before.  Will He find us watching--living a life of earnest expectation, worthy of His presence?

To deny the bodily resurrection of our Savior is to be lost in your sins.

We are the children of God.  When we see Him, we will be like Him for we will see Him as He is.
Each day we should "narrow the gap" between who we are and who we will be.  "More like the Master I would ever be."

When He returns, it will be as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah--King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and dominion.

For those who put their faith in Him, death and sin have been defeated.  Death is dead.  The tomb is empty.

When everything around you changes . . . When people around you change . . . When your circumstances suddenly change . . . All for the worst--
Then remember: Jesus never changes. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight."


God has given us new life in Christ. A life empowered by the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit. We must as His new creations put off the old robes of the flesh and put on the new robes of His character day by day. Everyone we interact with moment-by-moment should see Him in us. That will be the undeniable proof that our Savior lives. Today.

The reason why everything in our lives is out of our control is to remind us Who is in control. Praise the Lord it's not you or me.

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