Thursday, November 14, 2019

Day Five Thankful

Day Five
"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God . . .
January: A lovely snow to track through under a clear blue sky. Amazing, all the creatures that were out and about the night before--tracks everywhere.
February: the first crocus peaking through a light snow--purple-blues, pale yellows, and bright yellows. The first "surprises" of the blooming season.
March--Daffodil time--thousands of blooms all over The Acres--up front, on the edge of the bog, surrounding the pond, behind the cave, everywhere in the Meadow and Wild Area. Whites, yellows, pinks, reds, even orange--they love to dance in the country breeze.
April--Hyacinths--bright colors and a beautiful scent to add to The Acres. Love the deep purples and bright yellows. Hundreds of little bluish grape hyacinth everywhere. And bleeding hearts filling up the shady area with glorious reds and pinks--even a
May--Iris time! My favorite time of the year--such matchless beauty. Every color imaginable. Dwarves, mid-size--tall and lustrous. Some will re-bloom in the fall.
June: Here come the day lilies--one day of beauty at a time. The Asian/Oriental lilies bloom as well--bright colors that last for weeks.
July: By this time the Rose of Sharon and hibiscus have made their appearances--from pure white to dark red. Huge flowers--hummingbird magnets.
August: Here come the phlox--everywhere! The Acres smells like a perfume counter at the store. Bumble bees get intoxicated on the phlox.
September: This is highlight time for The Wild Area. Flowers everywhere especially the asters and goldenrod. Waves of white, purples, and yellows. An ocean of color.
October: By this time the annuals are reaching their peak. They've been slowly sneaking up on the annuals and now is their time to shine! And shine they do until frost.
November: It depends on how soon the frost comes. Leaves turn. The goldfish return to the surface for a daily swim. Some flowers will last until frost. The monkshood waits until now to bloom. A final burst of deep bluepurple.
December: Winter is here. A landscape of black and white beautifies The Acres with touches of the green pines and spruce. God always seems to lay down a blanket of white before the really cold days.
I am thankful for life at The Acres. Color everywhere all year round. Daily strolls of beauty. Thank you, Lord. Your creativity is evident in every area--shade, sun, rain, snow, the bog, the dry Wild Area, the pond itself. Nothing escapes Your paintbrush.
(And this is just a commentary on the major bloomers each month. There is much more!)
"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God . . .

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