I always find encouragement when I meditate on the "book ends" of the life of David. It begins when Samuel is sent to the house of Jesse with "orders" to anoint one of his sons as the next king of Israel after Saul. You know the story--none of the sons passed the test. Oh, they all seemed to pass the "eye test"--the outward appearance test, but God told Samuel none of them pass the heart test--none of them have a heart for Me. So they called in David from the fields where he was tending the flocks. I'm always amused by two things. All those brothers and only one was doing any work. And I almost always break into laughter--grin, at least--when David walks in, and he's one "handsome dude" in external appearance.
But it was his heart that moved the heart of God to choose David to be His king. He searched that young man's heart, and found the man He wanted--needed to lead His people. He was a descendant of a lineage of grace--Tamar, Rahab, Ruth; and his descendant would be the bringer of grace into a world desperately in need of it.
And I rest in the other bookend in David's life. Yes, chosen because of his heart for God, his life was far from perfect. Complaining, depressed at times, defeated by his lusts, a scheming murderer, failed parent even. "Outward appearance"--not so good action wise. But in those times he looked to God in praise and thankfulness. In the worst of times after God confronted him with his great sins, his heart broke for the great sins he had committed against the heart of God, and his spirit was broken by the love of a God so willing to forgive the repentant--of any sin.. And when God had the last word about
David, He didn't make a list of his many failures and sins, He instead wrote this: "David is a man after My own heart." Ah, the grace and mercy of God who knows our frailties, knows our failures, knows our sins--and looks at our hearts and says, "that one has a heart like Mine! He or she loves Me, desires to please Me, is broken-hearted when they break My heart, longs to restore their relationship with Me.
Did God condone David's sins? No. Were there consequences for David's sins. Yes. But when God looked at David, He looked at his heart and was pleased with His servant who loved His Word, who panted like a thirsty deer for a cool taste of His presence, who rested in His promises to shepherd him and supply his needs, who in time of trouble looked up to the only One who could rescue him.
Do you have a heart like David's? Then, in the midst of your discontent, depression, failure and sin, do you know what God sees? Your heart--your love for Him! And He is pleased.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
You cannot love unconditionally without being hurt.
You cannot love unconditionally and not be taken advantage of.
Unconditional love transforms lives.
If you do not love unconditionally, you have not yet begun to love.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Did you ever have a bad day? Yeah, right. I have a dear friend who calls them "cranky" days. I love that term. I have cranky days, and there's no one in my house but me. Now that's cranky at its best--one old man complaining to himself while one old man tells him to just shut up. Why do I personally get cranky? Things aren't going my way. People don't realize how important I am. I mean, come on, who is the center of this universe called Iten's Acres. It's not the cat--even though she thinks so. Ah, what a wonderful pity part I can throw for me--and I can throw it a long way. And invariably at other people who are getting in the way of everything being centered around me. Too often, I even throw it in God's way.
How do I cure my crankiness? By putting on the oil of the Spirit, of course. I find a quiet place, take up the oil of the Spirit, the Word of God, and "rub it in." Usually, I read one of David's psalms. In case you didn't notice, a lot of David's psalms start out pretty cranky as he focuses on himself and his problems which God seems to be paying no attention to. But then, ah, then, David stops to meditate on the glory and wonder of the God who is his Savior, his Strong Tower, the one who forgives the contrite heart--even on those cranky days. Especially on those cranky days.
Having a cranky day? "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."
Do a little song and dance with David! Get all the cranks out!
How do I cure my crankiness? By putting on the oil of the Spirit, of course. I find a quiet place, take up the oil of the Spirit, the Word of God, and "rub it in." Usually, I read one of David's psalms. In case you didn't notice, a lot of David's psalms start out pretty cranky as he focuses on himself and his problems which God seems to be paying no attention to. But then, ah, then, David stops to meditate on the glory and wonder of the God who is his Savior, his Strong Tower, the one who forgives the contrite heart--even on those cranky days. Especially on those cranky days.
Having a cranky day? "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."
Do a little song and dance with David! Get all the cranks out!
Why do I love Jesus?
"And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and took upon Himself the form of a servant and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross." The cross. For me, He suffered one the most torturous physical deaths a man could endure. For me, on the cross, He suffered a spiritual wound that is beyond my comprehension--"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me." What did it take for that incomprehensible moment of suffering to occur? Just one of my sins. Just one. And how did He endure such suffering? "For the joy that was set before Him endured the cross." What joy? His heart's desire to spend eternity with me. With me. How can it be? It was His love for me.
How can I not love Jesus, my Savior?
And to love Him is to obey Him. To take on the reality of becoming His servant until death.
May I begin each day with this prayer--and it must be each day: "I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all."
When you start to worry about someone, just stop. Pray for them instead. How much good do you think it will do them for you to worry about them? No good at all. How much good can you do for them by taking their name and your love for them into the throne room of omnipotent God--the God who is Love? Which is more powerful--a whole day of worry or a minute of prayer? Your love and their name brought into the very presence of God--now that will make a difference.
Amos is one of my favorite Old Testament prophets. He was a multi-talented man. By trade a shepherd and a keeper of a vineyard. A fantastic poet. I know his words were Holy Spirit inspired, but God uses the gifts He has given us when He calls us to the ministry He has planned for us to do. And Amos had a poet's heart. Amos was also a man with a tender-heart. (I don't think it's a coincidence that his name means "burden.") On one occasion He keeps begging God not to send the judgment. And he was a fearless man.. After all, he was from Judah, and God sent him to Israel. It would be like going into the church on the corner opposite from yours and announcing, "Step aside, Pastor. I have a message of judgment from God for your church. What? Oh, I'm from the church right across the street. Pastor? No, I'm just a farmer who goes there." Get a real warm welcome, you suppose?
And his message! "You say you can't wait for the day of the Lord's judgment on the evil nations? Did you forget that God's judgment always begins with His people? And when He's finished judging His people--only ten will be left; ten found faithful. Do you want to be one of the ten?--then, hate the evil that is at work in the actions of God's people. And love the good that is being done among God's people. What is the good? Promoting and practicing social justice. Yep, making the second commandment a vital part of your ministry." And then he really gets personal--a regular toe-stamper. "Because you are not doing that, your worship turns God's stomach, and your worship music is just a cacophony in the ears of God. Unbearable noise."
And his message! "You say you can't wait for the day of the Lord's judgment on the evil nations? Did you forget that God's judgment always begins with His people? And when He's finished judging His people--only ten will be left; ten found faithful. Do you want to be one of the ten?--then, hate the evil that is at work in the actions of God's people. And love the good that is being done among God's people. What is the good? Promoting and practicing social justice. Yep, making the second commandment a vital part of your ministry." And then he really gets personal--a regular toe-stamper. "Because you are not doing that, your worship turns God's stomach, and your worship music is just a cacophony in the ears of God. Unbearable noise."
The question is rather obvious, don't you think? Will you--will I--be one of the ten?
Who is that guy that smells like sheep that just walked into the back of our church spouting poetry?
Don't you just love those prophets and their message--for God's people today?.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The Message
I often wonder what the members of the Sanhedrin were thinking after the resurrection. They knew the body was gone. They knew angels were involved. They knew their story was a desperate lie. Were they expecting someone to come in and say, "Jesus is speaking in the Temple." Did they already have contingent plans--they were planning on killing Lazarus, you know? Must have been a long 50 days--lots of sleepless nights. Isn't it sad how desperate and hard an unbelieving heart can become? Dark, weary, fearful, prideful, even desperate.
One day someone did come in and say, "One of His (they didn't have to say whose, I'm sure) is speaking at the Temple. Well, not just one--I'd guess over a hundred are talking to the people there. What do you think, 'are they listening?'"
Peter and the others were given the responsibility and privilege to carry on the Master's mission to the whole world. And they have passed on that responsibility down through the ages until today. Now it's our turn to share--empowered by the same Holy Spirit. Is our Savior's plan working? How many places in this world heard the message of the Risen Savior last Sunday? How many people? How many by grace through faith entered the Kingdom? And the Sanhedrin thought they had "killed" the message. "The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
One day someone did come in and say, "One of His (they didn't have to say whose, I'm sure) is speaking at the Temple. Well, not just one--I'd guess over a hundred are talking to the people there. What do you think, 'are they listening?'"
Peter and the others were given the responsibility and privilege to carry on the Master's mission to the whole world. And they have passed on that responsibility down through the ages until today. Now it's our turn to share--empowered by the same Holy Spirit. Is our Savior's plan working? How many places in this world heard the message of the Risen Savior last Sunday? How many people? How many by grace through faith entered the Kingdom? And the Sanhedrin thought they had "killed" the message. "The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
Saturday, April 11, 2020
It must have been an uneasy Sabbath in Jerusalem. The disciples were in hiding--hopes and expectations crushed. Confused. Afraid, I'm sure, that the soldiers would be after them next. Discussing Judas, wondering why. Had they heard of his suicide? Peter lost in his own thoughts; what had he done? The way He looked on me with such concern--concern for me. Praying that I might not be destroyed by Satan! John who was at the crucifixion--could he bring himself to describe the terrible and wonderful things that he had witnessed?
The women who had been there and noted where Joseph and Nicodemus had placed His body were preparing spices to anoint the body of the one they loved who was now lost to them forever. Sobbing at times no doubt. Uncontrollably. Holding on to each other. Trying to share comfort. Was Mary in their midst or was John providing for her. She had been at the foot of the cross--where else could a mother's heart be.
And what were Nicodemus and Joseph thinking. Careers lost. Why had they waited so long, living a fearful faith, unwilling to defend Him. Would it have made a difference? Too late.
And the Roman guards? "They have us guarding the tomb of a dead man? What is Pilate afraid of? l bet it will be awhile before he has a restful night of sleep." Had some of them been on duty at the crucifixion? Did they share what they saw? Was the centurion among them? In their superstitions, paganism, and mythology were they uneasy about a man's death blotting out the sun in the middle of the day. The earthquakes--it was as if the stones were crying out.
And what was being talked about in the synagogues? What message did the teachers bring? Was anyone listening? "Did you hear? He prayed for our forgiveness." "He told one of the thieves that he would be with Him in Paradise." "Though mocked and scorned, He said nothing ill to anyone?" "Commended His spirit to God at His death." "Perhaps our greatest teacher and one of our riches citizens took Him down from the cross and buried Him. Joseph buried Him in his own newly built tomb!" And one in the back of the synagogue whispering, "He cried out that God had forsaken Him. What did that mean?" "And did you hear--the veil in the temple was ripped in half--from top to bottom!" "What have we done?"
A Sabbath like no other. Doubts, fears, more mockery I'm sure. "Who did He think He was?" The leaders of the Sanhedrin condemning Him, repeating the charges against Him over and over again. Bad mouthing Pilate and the Romans, "King of the Jews, indeed." And yet so fearful and uneasy that they wanted guards around His tomb. Was it really a band of cowering fishermen that they feared?
But the morning was coming. Guards would be visited by angels. That will have an impact on you. The Sanhedrin were told their story--and concocted a story of their own that they knew was a lie. "A bunch of fishermen over-powered the Roman cohort and stole His body." That would raise a few eyebrows. The women and the disciples confronted by an empty tomb. "Now what has happened?"
But one young man would pause, look into the empty tomb, then step in, look around in contemplation--and believe. Fears erased. Doubt turned to faith. Joy coming in the morning!
As you--in the morning--contemplate the empty tomb--Will you look and believe? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!" Saturday for many seemed to be the end of the story. Not so. Sunday would be the beginning of the rest of the story--the eternal story--revealing the conquering power and love of God toward those who believe.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Step by Step
The Christian Walk:
When He formed me in my mother's womb, He loved me.
As I began to grow, He with open arms called out to me, "come, rest in My arms, little child, come, those like you fill up My kingdom."
In my rebellious times, He would wait patiently at the door, waiting for me to discover that a life without His love and His presence was insanity. As I returned to my senses, repented, turned back to Him, He rushed--ran--to take me into His arms, "My son, I have always loved you. Always. We will rejoice together at your return. There will be rejoicing in Heaven among My angels that your heart has brought you back Home, back to Me."
In the days of my strength, He reminded me that without Him, I could do nothing. "My child, only be strong and very courageous. I will be your strength and shield. Do not become weary in doing My will. Take my yoke upon you. The harvest is coming--it is almost here."
In the days of my brokenness, He bound up my wounds with His faithful presence and with the Spirit's deep comfort in my soul; put a song in my heart, even in the midst of my sorrow and tears. His inexpressible, incomprehensible peace built a fortress around my heart and my mind. "Go now," He said. "Take my healing touch with you to the others who are broken all around you. Lavish others with the comfort and love that I have lavished on you. Bind up the wounds of the hurting with the promise of My faithfulness--of My caring heart."
In my old age as my strength and energy fail me, He whispers to me daily, "I promise you 'strength for today and a bright hope for tomorrow.' Blessings I still have for you--each morning you will awaken to a day where 'new mercies you'll see.' 'With ten thousand beside!"
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You will be with Me--as I lean on Your rod and Your staff, You will be my comfort. And my promise: "I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever."
"One day I will be like Him, for I will see Him as He is."
As I began to grow, He with open arms called out to me, "come, rest in My arms, little child, come, those like you fill up My kingdom."
In my rebellious times, He would wait patiently at the door, waiting for me to discover that a life without His love and His presence was insanity. As I returned to my senses, repented, turned back to Him, He rushed--ran--to take me into His arms, "My son, I have always loved you. Always. We will rejoice together at your return. There will be rejoicing in Heaven among My angels that your heart has brought you back Home, back to Me."
In the days of my strength, He reminded me that without Him, I could do nothing. "My child, only be strong and very courageous. I will be your strength and shield. Do not become weary in doing My will. Take my yoke upon you. The harvest is coming--it is almost here."
In the days of my brokenness, He bound up my wounds with His faithful presence and with the Spirit's deep comfort in my soul; put a song in my heart, even in the midst of my sorrow and tears. His inexpressible, incomprehensible peace built a fortress around my heart and my mind. "Go now," He said. "Take my healing touch with you to the others who are broken all around you. Lavish others with the comfort and love that I have lavished on you. Bind up the wounds of the hurting with the promise of My faithfulness--of My caring heart."
In my old age as my strength and energy fail me, He whispers to me daily, "I promise you 'strength for today and a bright hope for tomorrow.' Blessings I still have for you--each morning you will awaken to a day where 'new mercies you'll see.' 'With ten thousand beside!"
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You will be with Me--as I lean on Your rod and Your staff, You will be my comfort. And my promise: "I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever."
"One day I will be like Him, for I will see Him as He is."
"Step by step with Christ, my Savior. Step by step, how can it be? Till in glory I behold Him, Jesus Christ who died for me."
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Here Comes the Parade
Our lives are not parades celebrating how kind, courageous, caring, brilliant, or strong we are. We are none of those things. How do we know? "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." And we know our hearts, do we not? And don't we rejoice in the incomprehensible truth that John reminds us of: "if our hearts condemn us, He is greater than our hearts."
No, our lives are meant to be parades celebrating what the God of infinite love and infinite wisdom can do with an old broken pot that He finds in the ditch by the side of the road. Our lives should celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit to take that broken piece of junk and transform it into a vessel fit for the Master's use, transform it into a life that radiates the beauty of Jesus from any old pot that surrenders to the Spirit's beautifying work.
No, our lives are meant to be parades celebrating what the God of infinite love and infinite wisdom can do with an old broken pot that He finds in the ditch by the side of the road. Our lives should celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit to take that broken piece of junk and transform it into a vessel fit for the Master's use, transform it into a life that radiates the beauty of Jesus from any old pot that surrenders to the Spirit's beautifying work.
You know the question, right? Who is the star of your parade? Of my parade?
God resists the proud, and through the miracle of grace transforms the humble into the image of His beautiful, beloved Son.
In His hands and the Spirit's power any old pot will do.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Our confidence in God rests on what He did for us in the past: sent His Son to die on the cross for all our sins. Our debt was nailed to the cross marked "Paid in full." He forever conquered death on our behalf through His resurrection power.
Our confidence in God rests in what He is doing for us now. Filling us with the Spirit to guide us, to teach us the truth of His Word, to pray for us according to His will, to seal us until the day of redemption.
Our confidence in God rests in what He has promised to do for us in the future. He will make our mortal bodies immortal. He will make our corruptible bodies incorruptible. He will wipe away our tears. He will give us a new earth--free of the curse. When we see Him, we will be transformed--made like Him when we see Him as He is.
"Yesterday today, forever, Jesus is the same. All may fail but Jesus never, glory to His name"
Our confidence in God rests in what He is doing for us now. Filling us with the Spirit to guide us, to teach us the truth of His Word, to pray for us according to His will, to seal us until the day of redemption.
Our confidence in God rests in what He has promised to do for us in the future. He will make our mortal bodies immortal. He will make our corruptible bodies incorruptible. He will wipe away our tears. He will give us a new earth--free of the curse. When we see Him, we will be transformed--made like Him when we see Him as He is.
"Yesterday today, forever, Jesus is the same. All may fail but Jesus never, glory to His name"
Sunday, April 5, 2020
He Came
The King came humbly, meekly, heart-broken, committed to doing the Father's will no matter what the cost. He would find His Father's house of prayer a den of thieves--cheating the people who came for atonement; especially the poor. He would face those who asked Him deceitful questions trying to undermine His message. He found those who within a week would change from shouts of praise to shouts of "Crucify Him!" He found His life could be bought and sold for 30 pieces of silver--His life deemed less worthy than the life of a thief and murderer. He would find injustice: "I find no fault in this man"--but I will have Him tortured and crucified if that is what you wish. I will forgive myself by washing my hands in this basin. He would find mockery, scorn, unbelief, betrayal--and not just by Judas. And His response to all of that: He died for me.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Reflections for March 2020
Our fears teach us to trust in Him.
Murmuring and complaining are not fruits of the Spirit. No, really. It's true. Faithfulness no matter what the circumstances, that's a fruit of the Spirit.
The undeniable proof of the power and eternal love of God: the tomb is empty. He is the Risen King. "Crown Him with many crowns. The King upon His throne."
"No one ever cared for you like Jesus." Having doubts? Go and mediate at the foot of the cross today.
"Moment by moment I'm kept in His love."
Our wounds are the proof of His love for us. The scars are the proof that He has healed our wounds. The healing is the call to reach out to the wounded around us and touch their lives with the promise of His healing love.
Trust and obey. When we fail to trust in the promises of our King, we plant poisonous weeds in the garden of our life.
"I will praise Him! I will praise Him! Praise the Lamb for sinners slain!"
A sinner
I am His child: daily He conforms me into His image that in every circumstance, His beauty may be seen in my words and actions.
Prayer enfolds me in the peace of God--the peace that is beyond human comprehension and teaches me to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself.
His love is inescapable. Not even death can separate you from His love. Now we rest in faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is His unfailing, eternal love.
"The joy of the Lord is your strength."
"Faithful is He who called you."
A simple way to encourage others is to tell those that God has laid upon your heart to pray for that you are praying for them.
Until I see my work as the ministry God has given me to touch the lives of others with His love, my work has no purpose, and thus, no meaning.
Murmuring and complaining are not fruits of the Spirit. No, really. It's true. Faithfulness no matter what the circumstances, that's a fruit of the Spirit.
The undeniable proof of the power and eternal love of God: the tomb is empty. He is the Risen King. "Crown Him with many crowns. The King upon His throne."
"No one ever cared for you like Jesus." Having doubts? Go and mediate at the foot of the cross today.
"Moment by moment I'm kept in His love."
Our wounds are the proof of His love for us. The scars are the proof that He has healed our wounds. The healing is the call to reach out to the wounded around us and touch their lives with the promise of His healing love.
Trust and obey. When we fail to trust in the promises of our King, we plant poisonous weeds in the garden of our life.
"I will praise Him! I will praise Him! Praise the Lamb for sinners slain!"
A sinner
I am His child: daily He conforms me into His image that in every circumstance, His beauty may be seen in my words and actions.
Prayer enfolds me in the peace of God--the peace that is beyond human comprehension and teaches me to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself.
His love is inescapable. Not even death can separate you from His love. Now we rest in faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is His unfailing, eternal love.
"The joy of the Lord is your strength."
"Faithful is He who called you."
A simple way to encourage others is to tell those that God has laid upon your heart to pray for that you are praying for them.
Until I see my work as the ministry God has given me to touch the lives of others with His love, my work has no purpose, and thus, no meaning.
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