I always find encouragement when I meditate on the "book ends" of the life of David. It begins when Samuel is sent to the house of Jesse with "orders" to anoint one of his sons as the next king of Israel after Saul. You know the story--none of the sons passed the test. Oh, they all seemed to pass the "eye test"--the outward appearance test, but God told Samuel none of them pass the heart test--none of them have a heart for Me. So they called in David from the fields where he was tending the flocks. I'm always amused by two things. All those brothers and only one was doing any work. And I almost always break into laughter--grin, at least--when David walks in, and he's one "handsome dude" in external appearance.
But it was his heart that moved the heart of God to choose David to be His king. He searched that young man's heart, and found the man He wanted--needed to lead His people. He was a descendant of a lineage of grace--Tamar, Rahab, Ruth; and his descendant would be the bringer of grace into a world desperately in need of it.
And I rest in the other bookend in David's life. Yes, chosen because of his heart for God, his life was far from perfect. Complaining, depressed at times, defeated by his lusts, a scheming murderer, failed parent even. "Outward appearance"--not so good action wise. But in those times he looked to God in praise and thankfulness. In the worst of times after God confronted him with his great sins, his heart broke for the great sins he had committed against the heart of God, and his spirit was broken by the love of a God so willing to forgive the repentant--of any sin.. And when God had the last word about
David, He didn't make a list of his many failures and sins, He instead wrote this: "David is a man after My own heart." Ah, the grace and mercy of God who knows our frailties, knows our failures, knows our sins--and looks at our hearts and says, "that one has a heart like Mine! He or she loves Me, desires to please Me, is broken-hearted when they break My heart, longs to restore their relationship with Me.
Did God condone David's sins? No. Were there consequences for David's sins. Yes. But when God looked at David, He looked at his heart and was pleased with His servant who loved His Word, who panted like a thirsty deer for a cool taste of His presence, who rested in His promises to shepherd him and supply his needs, who in time of trouble looked up to the only One who could rescue him.
Do you have a heart like David's? Then, in the midst of your discontent, depression, failure and sin, do you know what God sees? Your heart--your love for Him! And He is pleased.
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