Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Message

I often wonder what the members of the Sanhedrin were thinking after the resurrection. They knew the body was gone. They knew angels were involved. They knew their story was a desperate lie. Were they expecting someone to come in and say, "Jesus is speaking in the Temple." Did they already have contingent plans--they were planning on killing Lazarus, you know? Must have been a long 50 days--lots of sleepless nights. Isn't it sad how desperate and hard an unbelieving heart can become? Dark, weary, fearful, prideful, even desperate.
One day someone did come in and say, "One of His (they didn't have to say whose, I'm sure) is speaking at the Temple. Well, not just one--I'd guess over a hundred are talking to the people there. What do you think, 'are they listening?'"
Peter and the others were given the responsibility and privilege to carry on the Master's mission to the whole world. And they have passed on that responsibility down through the ages until today. Now it's our turn to share--empowered by the same Holy Spirit. Is our Savior's plan working? How many places in this world heard the message of the Risen Savior last Sunday? How many people? How many by grace through faith entered the Kingdom? And the Sanhedrin thought they had "killed" the message. "The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."

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